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What’s on your nightstand?—Feb ‘12

In my attempt to focus more singularly on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2), I’m trying to give up multitasking during Lent. Do one thing at a time (Psalm 27:4), as best I can.

Even in my reading.

So instead of dabbling in five or six books, I’m sticking to one fiction and one non-fiction at a time (not counting devotionals or read-alouds with Jenna).

I’d already started three non-fiction, in-visible-fellowshipso these two are back on the shelf for now:

In Visible Fellowship: A Contemporary View of Bonhoeffer’s Classic Work, Life Together
     by Jon Walker

Lit-A-Christian-Guide-to-Reading-BooksLit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books
     by Tony Reinke


Just started

The-Phantom-of-the-OperaThe Phantom of the Opera
     by Gaston Leroux

Because I’ll be seeing the musical in NYC in a month, I wanted to read the source. It’s creepier than what I typically read, but it is interesting.


Jesus_ _NothingJesus + Nothing = Everything
     by Tullian Tchividjian

Ah. A breath of fresh air! Away from legalism and immersed in grace. This has been a wonderful book to keep me centered in the gospel.


Still reading


The Shelter of God’s Promises 
     by Sheila Walsh

Jenna and I are continuing this as our read-aloud. Each chapter focuses on a different promise (provision, peace, hope, etc.)—and each one seems to be just what I need when I need it. This week is “Strength: for when I feel things are crashing around me”—In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33 NIV).


Finished from January’s nightstand

Doing-Life-DifferentlyDoing Life Differently: The Art of Living with Imagination 
     by Luci Swindoll

I tried to like this, really I did. Because I love Luci Swindoll. But I never clicked with it. It felt disconnected, wordy, and too meandering for me.

clip_image003Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)  
     by J. K. Rowling

Done. Wow. That’s all I can say. If you’ve read the series, you know what I mean.


clip_image004Red like Blood: Confrontations with Grace 
     by Joe Coffey and Bob Bevington

This was a comfort read. True stories from Joe and Bob on how grace has invaded their lives and how it can invade ours.
“We don’t get a grip on grace. Grace gets a grip on us. Ultimately, God allows brokenness, and then in his own timing, he initiates the flow of grace. In other words, we experience grace because God personally invades our lives to bring the good news of the gospel to us.”

clip_image005The Resignation of Eve: What If Adam’s Rib Is No Longer Willing to Be the Church’s Backbone? 
     by Jim Henderson

Henderson says he doesn’t want to waste your time reading something you already agree with. So I wouldn’t recommend this for everybody. (And for the record, I really dislike that subtitle.) But if you like to hear varying viewpoints on women’s roles in church ministries, dive fully in. My review is here.

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What's on Your Nightstand at _5 minutes for Books_


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