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Who’s responsible—you or God?

But God's kindness made me what I am, and that kindness was not wasted on me. Instead, I worked harder than all the others. It was not I who did it, but God's kindness was with me.
1 Corinthians 15:10 (GW)


Who is responsible for your Christian walk?

You or God?

If you answer you, aren’t you discounting the work of the Spirit in you?

If you answer God, does that mean you play no active role?

That’s not exactly the words Jerry Bridges uses in Chapter Eight of The Discipline of Grace, but it’s the gist.

To pursue holiness, he suggests we need both: (1) dependence on the Spirit to enable us as (2) we do certain activities for our training (1 Timothy 4:7).

It’s a paradox, yes? (Ah, Christianity.)

We must not try to carry out our responsibilities in our own strength and willpower. We must depend upon the Holy Spirit to enable us.

At the same time we must not assume that we have no responsibility simply because we are dependent.

God enables us to work, but He does not do the work for us.

Think about Nehemiah. He prayed for God’s help to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem, but he also assigned workers and appointed guards. It’s not a “spiritual” versus a “practical” decision; it’s both.

Granted, there are examples in the Old Testament where God did it all (2 Chronicles 20). But as Bridges points out,

However, and this is an important statement, there is not a single instance in New Testament teaching on holiness where we are taught to depend on the Holy Spirit without a corresponding exercise of discipline on our part.

We’re called to be disciplined, even as we depend on grace.

Is it easy to do? No. Too often, if we succeed in our self-discipline, we take the credit. But when a bad situation doesn’t resolve after much prayer, we blame God for not answering.

But the apostle Paul shows us it is possible to live the paradox. He learned to be content, implying he worked at it, but it was because Christ strengthened him to do so (Philippians 4:11-13). He struggled to mature young believers, but used Christ’s energy to work in him (Colossians 1:29).

So while we do work, we only do it through the Spirit’s enablement.

Bridges inserts a farming analogy to demonstrate. While the farmer plows, plants, fertilizes, and cultivates, he cannot create growth and he cannot control weather, two critical factors in producing fruit. Just so, we can perform spiritual disciplines to pursue holiness, but we cannot make ourselves grow.

So how do we grow in active dependence?

One way is through the discipline of prayer. It’s a conscious act on our part that throws us on the mercy of the Father. It helps us recognize how helpless we are, even in our best efforts at discipline.

Jesus himself—while in the flesh—stated that “By myself I can do nothing” (John 5:30).  He wasn’t repulsed by his dependence, but embraced it:

His dependence was not reluctant; it was wholehearted—enthusiastic, even—because He knew that we are created to be dependent on God.

So if we want to become holy we must pursue, not a spirit of independence, but a spirit of dependence.

And one of the best means God has given us for doing this is the discipline of prayer.

If living this blend of discipline and dependence was what Jesus chose, shouldn’t it be what we choose, too?the discipline of grace

* * *

Do you tip more toward (a) depending on yourself, or
(b) w
aiting passively for God to act?

(I confess my leanings toward (a), the sin of self-sufficiency.)


See more discussion on Chapter 8 at Challie’s
My summaries on Chapters 1-7

Comments (8)

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I guess we do have to be disciplined enough to keep His Word in front of us. (maybe He does that for us, too, in spite of our wanderings)

And He will finish what He has started in us.

The book looks interesting.

Thanks for sharing it.

My recent post “You must become as these little ones…”
and Therein lies the rub...we pray ..."and Lord strengthen me in my walk and testimony.....make me light in the darkness..." but then what? is the intimacy and closeness of times spent with Him LISTENING that I find my instructions of what I am to GO out and DO...'work at'...sigh...I have to be intentional though...or it would be so easy to drop the "lesson of the day" many times do we walk out into the world and find ourselves in a situation where JUST WHAT we talked about with God that morning is placed in front of us? God is VERY intentional in His all-knowing of our path. He is equipping. Am I paying attention? Intimacy w/Him > Instruction>Intentional effort on my part. I want to do this. Thank you for sharing Lisa. I went out yesterday to get this book and they are OUT for the moment. {{hugs}}
My recent post Thursday Thoughts and Ponderings
It looks like we got many of the same things from this chapter. I do tend to lean more towards depending on spiritual disciplines and have to keep reminding myself that I'm depending on Him to work through them, not on them in themselves. But I do have a couple of besetting sins, one of them being the lack of self-discipline in eating, where I am inexplicably waiting on God to take it all away instead of employing the discipline (in His strength) that I should. So this chapter was very good for me from both sides.
My recent post “Dependent Discipline”
I confess that I tend to get in the way of God, try to outrun Him... You'd think that after time the tendency would fade more?
We are called to action, but not self reliance. I like the fact that you brought out our need for God. In Him we can do things anyone without God can't. The world has been changed by individuals who relied on God and He did miracles and controlled the course of history through them.

And the lost world still can't see it....
My recent post A NO WIN SITUATION
Lisa, I appreciated reading through your thoughts interwoven with the review and thoughts from Jerry Bridges.
One word kept coming to me as I read. Relationship. It takes the working out of our relationship with the Lord to keep us growing and it is done in tandem.

Jesus said that He would not leave us alone but send His Holy Spirit to counsel and guide as He dwelt within us.
I thought also of how the apostles were cowering in fear until the Holy Spirit came and empowered them to get going!

It is Him and it is us and it is a journey for sure - together!

My recent post God Blesses My Weakness
I often try to do things on my own. I use to think I had to work and work and please God (doing good churchy things). Now I realize that he is already pleased with me. Since realizing this I do more of what HE has put on my heart and say no more. I do think I rely on the Spirit of God more for direction now than I use to. I rely on our relationship to help me through more things also. I am utterly dependent upon him for so much. In all my losses this year, I realize God presence and grace and direction more. Thank you Lisa for sharing.
My recent post Grandma Cecilia and Grandpa Bud
such a good way to look at it. There is a balance that we only find as we are led by Holy Spirit. Thanks, Lisa.
My recent post Friend
I have been called to serve as a missionary to train people how to find their ancestors and we have a number of programs that we help people with. I have been working at it since April and the one thing i have noticed is that i work better with prayer but if all i did was pray all day then the people out there that need my help wouldn't have the knowledge that they need. Loved this!
My recent post Two Gifts

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