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A day in March

The Simple Woman's DaybookOutside my’s cold again (to me anyway; it’s 48)

I am much sweeter the world would be if we Christians would love more

I am wondering...who should play Jesus for our VBS skit

I am thankful for...Christian sisters who love Jesus above all else

the-pilgrims-progressI am read The Pilgrim’s Progress with Tim Challie’s group starting this week

I am memorizing...Romans 8:36-37

I am information (finally)

I am hoping...that Jenna’s wisdom teeth extraction goes well this coming week

I am reading...Jesus + Nothing = Everything

I am pondering these words...“It was so freeing to finally realize that, because of Christ’s work for me, I didn’t have anything to prove or any reputation to protect.” ~ Tullian Tchividjian

Write-it-girlI am creating...a post in my mind for Write It, Girls—I’m glad it starts back on Tuesday

I am Nashville for Nurture 2012

I am looking learning new ways there that others pursue Jesus and new ways I can, too

I am studying...Luke 7:36-50—to love more, understand grace more

March Joy DareI am appreciating...Ann’s 3-gifts-a-day challenge (here’s the March calendar)

I am hearing...“Healer” by Kari Jobe

I am realizing...(again) that I always need to be more humble; always

I am praying...that God will be glorified through a quick and peaceful resolution of a problem

A plan for the week...going to Selwyn’s wonderful Wednesday gathering of ladies pursuing Jesus through his “I AM” statements

A picture to share...I love forsythia in bloom


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the simple woman's daybook
...where every day is a blank page

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