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Fear is bossy

5-2Sometimes fear tries to boss me around.
Okay, many times fear tries to boss me around.

The most often repeated commandment in the Bible is “Do not fear.” It’s in there over two hundred times....

It means we are going to be afraid, and
it means we shouldn’t let fear boss us around.
~ DONALD MILLER, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

I woke up Thursday morning with three things I needed to do that I was scared to do. Each one involved a different situation with a different person.

I don’t like scary things.

But I also don’t like being bossed around by fear.

I did the first thing. It ended up being easy and not scary after all.

I did the second thing. It was harder, but I felt happy getting it behind me.

The third thing? It’s a little embarrassing to admit. It shouldn’t have been scary at all. It was something I wanted to do (but those can also be scary, right?).

I wanted to video chat with my friend Glorhy in El Salvador. But the unknowns and obstacles seemed huge. Would we have anything to say beyond hello and how are you? Would her broken English and my very broken Spanish be too much of a hindrance? Would the whole thing just seem weird?

But I had to try.

Love should trump fear, yes?

I got on-line. Glorhy was already on-line. But of our four connecting points, only one worked. She could see me, but I couldn’t see her, I couldn’t hear her, and she couldn’t hear me.

So for thirty minutes, she watched me—I smiled, Jenna waved, we showed her our dog—and we typed messages back and forth.

Was it awkward?
At times, yes. Sometimes I couldn’t understand what she meant. Sometimes she couldn’t understand what I meant.

But was I glad God told me, “Do not fear”?

Despite our language barrier, I learned

  • she has a parrot named Pepe
  • she has a boyfriend who is nice to her family
  • she celebrates Christmas in El Salvador on Dec. 24, staying awake until dawn on Dec. 25th.

And...I learned

  • she’s scared, too.

She has a doctor’s appointment on December 8. She’s scared of the pain. And she’s scared of what’s next.

Fear is trying to boss her around.

But love trumps fear.

Because I love her, I pray for her fear to diminish. I pray she can attend the appointment. I pray the doctor can help her.

And I pray for her—like I pray for me—that when fear tries to boss us around, we’ll be emboldened by God’s love instead, telling us, “Do not fear.

* * *

Does fear try to boss you around, too? How do you conquer it?

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is that really the most common command we have? That's amazing. And yet fear holds me back from doing the right things, speaking up when I need to, and fully trusting God.
My recent post How to bear good fruit from an imperfect family tree
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
I've never counted the commands personally. ;-) But among those who do count such things, that's what they say. I find it amazing too. But very applicable to me, especially the two things you mentioned. I pray to depend more and fear less.
My recent post Fear is bossy
I have tended to let fear boss me around too much, too, and yet I have found, as you said, that often the thing is not as fearful as I had thought, but even when it is, God's grace helps me through. I wish that were a lesson learned "once for all" rather than every time I face something!
My recent post The Week In Words
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
I try to imagine God planting a gift of grace ahead of me each step, knowing just what I'll need to open and when, to get me through the "scary" situations I have to face.

I'm with you on wanting it to be a lesson I can learn and then check off as "done!" But doesn't seem to work that way...I constantly have to remember to keep trusting...
My recent post Fear is bossy
OH, this is good. I remember being invited to a dinner for Highlights for Children writer's. I was terrified! I almost turned around and went home three times. But, I am so glad I persevered.
My recent post I Want To Soar Like A Spider (Repost)
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
I'm glad you kept turning back the right way. You'd think those stories we collect of God's faithfulness would convince us we can always count on the Lord! I know it in my head, but still working on believing it fully in my heart.
My recent post Fear is bossy
When I was little (and even a teen), I was scared to go upstairs at night with all the lights on (I lived with my grandmother in a very old house). When I finally just prayed, knowing that God wouldn't let anything appear to me that would cause me do die of a heart attack, I knew I could face that darkness, that He was right there with me!
My recent post Simply ChristDay EveryDay
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
What a good story. Often my fears are so irrational, and just pressing through will prove God's faithfulness. Yes, knowing He is always right there with us can make all the difference.
My recent post Fear is bossy
Thank you for this. My brother n law is living in so much fear right now and this made me realize how much more I need to love him, just as Christ did.
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
What a beautiful decision, Shanda. I'm sure he will be blessed by your choice to love.
My recent post Fear is bossy
Fear is in everyone's life. That ugly subject is the root of all negative emotions as well. I was fortunately taught at a young age to face fears, sooner the better. It's served me well. I can't say I'm without fear, but I've studied Gods' word regarding it which has helped a lot.

In Isaiah, I think it's 8:13, "You are to regard the Lord as holy, He is the one you are to fear, He is the one you are to dread." (going off memory here) The point I believe in all of scripture is that God is dishonored and disrespected when we fear what He controls more than Him. He is the One that supplies the power to make each day, to keep the sun shining, to keep the earth exactly on it's axis, He is the source of the power in all the cosmos and when we fear what He sets before us we have in essence become our idols. Things that we give more credence to than the awesome power and hand of God. Our senses betray us. We have the saving knowledge of "the mysteries of the universe." We know the world around us that we can't see is also controlled by God, but we slip in the flesh and fall into fear. Even though He "has overcome the world."

It's good to be reminded of it. To face the fears of this world with God standing at our back... "What can the world do to me"?
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
You're right, Floyd. I know that when I fear, I'm pitting my beliefs against God's. Why do I do this? I know it's irrational. I continue to do like you said, study God's Word--and it does help. Thankfully my fears don't typically stop me from doing the things I want/need to do, so I praise God that I'm debilitated by them, but the fears I do still have are not honoring to the Father. I will continue to work against those.
My recent post Fear is bossy
I think you are very brave :). I don't know...sometimes it's the little things that are the hardest. But I don't think I will think of fear the same after reading this, Lisa. And I"ve read Donald Miller's book, but it took you to speak it to me :).

Trying my hand at that strong and courageous thing today. Because of you.
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
Thanks, Laura. You are such an encourager.

I finished Donald Miller's book over the weekend. It really spoke to me in a lot of places about our place in the story. I'm glad that our stories have intersected.
My recent post Fear is bossy
Fear is bossy. I like that. I was meant to read this today. I received a huge writing project that I don't feel intelligent enough to complete. I'm fearful of failing. I'm going to bookmark this so I can come back and reread throughout working on the project. Thank you for taking time to record the words God placed on your heart.
My recent post Finding Childlike Joy
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
The fear of failing has probably halted MANY a project through the years. I'm glad that you are taking on a project that seems bigger than you--more space for God to shine! I'm sure you will do well, Pamela! Praying for you.
My recent post Fear is bossy
Yes, things we want to do can be scary too, and love should trump fear. Congratulations to you for stepping forward into victory! My prayers are with yours that peace, not fear, would fill Glorhy, that she could attend her appointment, and that the doctor could help her.

Grace and peace to you in Jesus!
My recent post Another Rainy Monday
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
Thanks for adding your prayers with me, Christina. I appreciate your friendship and sisterhood.
My recent post Fear is bossy
One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 3:25 "Do not be afraid of sudden fear." That overwhelming-heart stopping-paralyzing-before you can logically think about it kind. You're right Lisa, it is bossy and tries to control.
My recent post Living in Advent: Bethlehem’s manna
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing the proverb. It is a great one. We never have a real reason to panic when we're in the mighty hand of God.
My recent post Fear is bossy
ooops, forgot to "log in" as myself.
My recent post Living in Advent: Bethlehem’s manna
What a image - fear bossing me around. That's image makes me mad. I'm not going to let fear control me. Thanks for this reminder that we have a choice. We can choose to let fear control us or we can give our lives over to God and let Him be in control.

Many blessings,
My recent post A Full Heart
1 reply · active 692 weeks ago
It is often about choice, isn't it? Sometimes we have to fight harder--and let go fuller--to let the Spirit cover us with that peace that he promises.
My recent post Fear is bossy

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