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On a day in October

The Simple Woman's DaybookOutside my mornings, warm afternoons—perfect!

I am thinking...more about John 6 and Jesus being my bread of eternal life

I am much longer I’ll put up with this horrible port problem on my laptop before I attempt to get it fixed

I am thankful...that Jenna’s college decision after her official visit to Auburn last Monday was such an easy one—War Eagle!

In the learning is Day 55 (+12 years) with Jenna—only 125 days left

In the kitchen...dishes clean, floors swept, counters wiped

I am eating...Chex Mix that I made yesterday

I am wishing...we had more songs at Central from Konstantin Zhigulin

I am sending...signed papers to the lawyer to continue closing out my parents’ estate (when does this part end?)

I am jean shorts, red tank top

I am my nephew’s wedding on the beach!

I am looking Stefanie (one of my beautiful and fun and sweet nieces) riding with us to the beach

I am reading...(it’s too complicated to list; I obviously have no self-control with books)

I am hoping...that Jenna’s headaches will disappear with the new medicine she’s taking

I am appreciating...a husband who cleans up my messes (in more ways than one)

I am hearing...the whir of my laptop (is it getting noisier or is it just me?) and inside my head “My God and King”

I am realizing...that IntenseDebate offers zero tech support 

I am studying...Romans 7:15-25 this week with the ladies at Do Not Depart

Around the house...all clean because I always clean house before I go out of town (why???)

I am praying...for marriages at my church, especially at the agreed-upon time of 7:45 a.m. on Thursdays (although I forgot to pray at exactly 7:45 yesterday; maybe God isn’t on Central Standard Time anyway)

I am pondering these words...“That is always the trouble with weak faith, it comes back again to questions which it has already solved and answered.” ~ Martyn Lloyd-Jones in Spiritual Depression

I am questioning...which questions of weak faith I keep returning to

I am tired impatience; packing; allergies

One of my favorite things...grace, grace, and more grace

A picture to sunflowers in October make me smile


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...where every day is a blank page

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