The last regular post on her blog, The Simple Wife, was one week ago today, Monday, January 10. It was typical of Joanne—a story of everyday life, told with humility and a touch of humor.
But the next day, Tuesday, appeared a post by her husband, Toben, reporting that Joanne—38-yr-old, healthy, runner Joanne—had had a major stroke that morning.
Since then, Toben has given reports and has now passed off the baton to a friend Janna to give updates for awhile.
If you know Joanne from a book study or from Memory Monday or just from reading her on the blogosphere, please pray for her recovery.
Although I’ve never met Joanne in person, we’ve communicated through comments on each other’s blogs, personal e-mails, and tweets. She has been a great source of encouragement to me and many, and I am so grieved that she is undergoing this trial.
This list of specific requests is posted on her blog:
Prayer requests:
1. That in God's time Joanne would wake up. It will be impossible to tell the extent of her brain damage until she comes to. I can't tell you how I desire to look into her brown eyes again!
2. Audrey and Emma will be returning to Denver Christian school on Wednesday after having spent the last year and a half in home school. They are understandably nervous but I have the utmost confidence that they will be received lovingly. I can't think of a better environment for them.
3. Audrey and Emma are going to have to process through all of this. At this point they aren’t asking many questions or wanting to talk much at all about what is going on. They know mom's brain is hurt, that she is asleep, and that she won't get better for a long, long time. My prayer is that when they are ready to talk about it that they will feel safe and supported.
~ Toben
* * *
Thank you, friends. The Lord is answering.
May we trust him no matter what comes.
I have added her on my devotional blog and will be praying for her. We never know what a day will bring in our lives, I continually thank God for his daily grace to meet the trials.
Lisa - I had not ever visited Joanne's blog until I saw a post at Tiffany's blog (Tea With Tiffany) last week. I have added a post on my blog and am contining to check her blog for updates.
We certainly don't know what our next breath will bring. My heart goes out to Joanne's husband, children, and other family members.
I'm sure Joanne and her family appreciate you ladies adding her to your blogs. I remember being impressed with Joanne's running schedule and how good she looked. It's just a further reminder that even being in good health gives us no guarantees. Our lives truly are in the hands of the Lord.
These are the kinds of things that are just so heartbreaking AND frightening. It was strange to read her blog on the day before her stroke and realize how 'ordinary' a day it was... it's so true that we don't know what 'tomorrow' may bring. All we can do is trust God and live each day the best we can. Saying a prayer for Joanne...
This hurts. I want to scream "unfair". Lisa thank you for sharing. I don't know her - you do - God does - and I have already prayed and will again.
God Bless
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