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Something is following me

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23:6

The bad news is:
Due to a pathetic perspective this week, I could come up with a Horrible Hundred list without even slowing down.

100th postThe good news is:
Today Susanne celebrates her 100th post of Friday’s Fave Five! And because of that each week, I’m reminded to look for GOOD things, not bad things.

The best news is:
So this is what happened...

I’m walking ahead when I hear a noise. I turn around.

Something is following me. Chasing me down…

It’s God’s goodness and mercy.

But it’s not because I deserve it due to my great attitude this week or my accomplishments. But because of HIS love and kindness. He’s just that way, you know?

Here are 5 ways God has tailgated me this week:

1. A new CD on Rest
Coming back from vacation was hard (poor me, I know. But I warned you.). I spent Monday quite depressed.

rest CD

Opened all my mail. Had a CD from a fellow-blogger in California. For whatever reason (although I suspect I know—it’s the love of God compelling her! 2 Cor 5:14 NIV), she sent me some music on “rest.” Oh my. Just what I needed! Thanks, Melissa. Thanks, God.

Here’s one of the songs. Be Still by Kari Jobe.

2. A check-up
Not for me. On my mom. Wednesday morning, Heather calls. (She’s the assistant to the oral surgeon that my mom was supposed to see a few months ago, but we only succeeded with the consultation visit.) Heather’s grandmother is now at the same assisted living facility as my mom. Wow.

So as she stops in every night to eat with her grandmother, she checks up on my mom, too. Every night. Yes, goodness is surely tracking me down.

3.The story of Louise
My Sunday night small group has begun a series on telling our faith stories. A different person shares each week. Even though we were gone last Sunday, I got to hear Louise via a digital file (I love technology). Her story inspired me to keep plugging on with the church family, to keep loving my physical family to the very last breath, and to keep loving God for eternity. The New Kind of Love by E. W. Kenyon

4. A book on love
After a phone call to check on me proved bleak, a friend came over in person instead to treat my body with muffins and and my soul with this book, The New Kind of Love. He told me it would energize me. He was right.

5. A great nephew! 
Without any effort on my part, as of yesterday, I am officially a GREAT aunt. No longer an ordinary, run-of-the-mill, good one. Day 1_Alexander

God has outdone himself on breathing fresh, new life into our family through Alexander. May he grow up with long shadows of Goodness and Mercy following him all his days, too!

* * *
How has God poured out his love on you this week?

Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. I'm back home in the house of GOD for the rest of my life.
Psalm 23:6 (The Message)


Melissa said...

Yes, yes, yes! This week it would have been easier for me to write a list of the low points, too. But thank God for His unfailing love!

Congratulations on becoming a GREAT aunt! I'm just an ordinary one. :)

Melli said...

It really IS amazing how He tracks us down and makes us feel BETTER about things... whether we WANT to or not! I am SO glad that you have Jesus in your life - to DO that for you!!! And all those other wonderful people He USED to get the job done... :)

I pray NEXT week is better for you - from start to finish!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great week. I can't wait to see how good God is to you next week!

Jerralea said...


I love the imagery of goodness and mercy chasing you down. Thanks for sharing that!

I'm glad God sent people to minister to you this week. It's so neat when we have evidence of His care!

God bless, and congrats on becoming a GREAT aunt!

Melissa | Madabella: made beautiful said...

All of this is so sweet and such a testimony that God knows our needs. He hears our cries. He sees our tears.

God is constantly pursuing us and I am so glad that this week, although filled with hardship, was made beautiful. He makes all things beautiful in His time...

much love and hugs. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you again for your uplifting post! What a gift to your mother to have a daily visitor...

Every Sunday we have time for silent prayers... I usually run thru my family and pray for them...this Sunday...I didn't...because they were all doing so well...and were happy and all I needed to do was say Thank you God! And I did about 20 times in that MINUTE!

Have a great weekend!

Cindy said...

positive positive, think positive is what I said to myself this week. It is so easy to lean towards the truth and it presses down on the positive. I veered, the wrong way this week ~ did it so I was able to release and let go.

You have forced me to think of was God has pushed behind me. Thank you,

Congratulations on becoming a great aunt.

Susanne said...

Lisa, I loved this post. And I love how you described God's mercy and goodness chasing us down. How I needed to hear that!

Congrats on becoming a great aunt. That is so special

Thank you for being such a vital part of FFF. I always know I can come here and see God found even in the tough stuff of life. It is such an encouragement.

Joanne said...

Such a beautiful post Lisa! It brings tears to my eyes to see God's grace and mercy so evident in your life.
Are you familiar with Kari Jobe's
Revelation song?...the best and my favourite!

Thanks for sharing,

Joanne said...

Meant to say:
Do you have a new look?
Your blog looks great! Love it!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Look at the hair on that baby! How sweet.

I smiled all the way through your list this week. Surely goodness and mercy were tracking you down. What a blessing!!

Have a great week ahead, Lisa.

Karyn said...

I'm sorry you had a hard week. Isn't God good to open our eyes to His blessings in spite of that? I love your analogy of God coming up behind you to shower you with goodness.

I hope your next week is much easier.

Barbara H. said...

What a sweet list -- what kind friends you have! Some weeks are indeed like that, and somehow that makes the good points of the week stand out all the brighter.


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