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What I’m learning from Spurgeon

~ Thoughts from Spurgeon: A New Biography

     Ch 12 Almshouses and Orphanage
Because of his dependence on pleasing the Lord and not on gaining people’s approval, Spurgeon was able to accomplish much. If he had an idea, he prayed it through, then went forward with little delay.

He didn’t wait on committees to iron out every detail. He didn’t wait on financing plans from rich benefactors. He didn’t wait on permission.

He just did what he could with what he had, and let the Lord take it from there, expanding it or not.

That’s one thing I’m learning from Spurgeon.

Spurgeon’s passion spilled over onto young men in need of mentoring, widows in need of protection, and children in need of education. To flesh it out, in addition to building the Pastors’ College, he built an Almshouse and an orphanage, financing much of the heat, light, and other expenses with his own money until funds came in from elsewhere.

His attitude was to seek new works, not just wait until the opportunities found him. In the summer of 1866 he spoke these words to his congregation:

“Dear friends, we are a huge church, and should be doing more for the Lord in this great city. I want us, tonight, to ask Him to send us some new work; and if we need money to carry it on, let us pray that the means also may be sent.”

And both the work and the means were sent. Spurgeon believed in trusting the Lord, not the people with the money.

     Ch 13 Sunshine and Shadow
From the late 1860s until the end of his life, Charles suffered from gout and various other ailments, including depression. He pleaded with the Lord for mercy:

“…in our darkest hour, we are best able to appreciate Him. . . . We can still say ‘Our Father,’ and when it is very dark, and we are very weak, our childlike appeal can go up, ‘Father, help me! Father, rescue me!’” charles_susannah_spurgeon

Because Mrs. Spurgeon also was in poor health, she was unable to participate in many of Spurgeon’s travels. She wrote of such times,

“These separations were very painful to hearts so tenderly united as were ours, but we each bore our share of the sorrow as heroically as we could, and softened it as far as possible by constant correspondence.”

     Ch 14 Mrs. Spurgeon and Her Work
But like her husband, Susannah did what she could, including using her own money to send her husband’s books to poor pastors. When news spread of her work, friends gave her money to continue sending more materials out. For years and years she blessed many a family and church with Spurgeon’s writings, free of charge.

May we be impressed with the speed and initiative with which the Spurgeons undertook their works. As they did what the Lord put in their power to do, let us also do.

If it means a sacrifice of reputation or opportunities or money, if the Lord can be honored in the offering, may we be so willing to step out in love in such ways, all for his glory.

* * *

Ch 15 – Daily Life in the Great Church
Ch 16 – Ten Years of Mighty Ministry
Ch 17 – Personal Characteristics

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