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Take your meds—Proverbs 17 (Memory Monday)

Learned last week
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22good medicine

I know this is true. You, too?

I’ve been fighting for joy for the past five months. My most uttered prayer? Simply, “God, please help me!”

And He has. Every time.

But that doesn’t mean I’ve always felt His help. Or that He’s changed my situation. Or removed all the problems. 

He hasn’t.

But somehow, some way, He’s put something or someone in my path just when I need a dose of “good medicine” so my bones don’t “dry up”.

Yesterday morning, this is what He did:
I had been unsuccessfully trying to reason with my mother about health care decisions. It was futile and was “crushing my spirit.” By the time Jeff arrived as my emotional reinforcement and lunch partner (even if he brought Taco Bell food), I was on the brink of…something bad.

So after we ate, he sent me home while he stayed with my mom. I relaxed for 30 minutes before I went to a wedding tea, where my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and niece were. Oh, what good medicine they were! Their joyful hearts to see me brought joy to my own heart—we talked and cried and laughed together.

What I had done was take my medicine.

Take your meds, too.

When God puts the spoon of joy in front of you, drink it down.
It’s good for you!

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Learning this weekMore Memory Monday
Since this is my and Jenna’s last (!) week of school—more good medicine—we’re reviewing previous verses.

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Are you memorizing scripture this week? Join us at Joanne’s for Memory Monday.


Dorothy said...

You've reminded me that He is our Great Physician and He does send exactly the right medicine at exactly the right time. His plans are always perfect!

I know that you are in need of "good medicine" lately. I'm glad you are taking it!

I continue to keep you in prayer, dear sister.


Lisa notes... said...

Thank you, sweet friend. God hears your prayers and blesses me because of them. I appreciate your faithfulness to continue to pray for me.

Brenda said...

Since my days generally includes driving past your mom's house 50x... I happened to notice that you and Jeff were there one time and then when I went by again, just Jeff. I thought to myself, "What a sweet guy to stay there and give Lisa a break". I didn't know what sort of break you were getting until now. I'm glad that worked out for you. God must have paid the $1.99 extra to get the bubble gum flavoring for the medicine he gave you! :-)

Lisa notes... said...

Ha. Yes, God did pay extra for that one because I swallowed it down without putting up any kind of fight. :-)

Karen said...

I appreciate your post. And I'm so glad you were able to drink in some joy in the midst of a frustrating circumstance.

Take care,

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

So glad your dose yesterday was sweet.
Much love, Joanne

Shelby-Grace said...

Glad God gave you such sweet dose of joy! Enjoy your last week of school! My little one and I are almost done too. I can't believe how fast the year has gone!


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