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Psalm 34 Unleashed

Whenever people begin to ask, “Does it fit our rules,” rather than, “Does it serve our mission,” then you have a bureaucracy.
~Matt Permancut-red-tape

was weary and worried.
I thought the tangled red tape unnecessary.
I felt frustrated by the process when my . . .

was to do a good thing, a God-glorifying thing.  
Why, then, the barriers to . . .

the Father through the Son in the Spirit? Shouldn’t this be uncomplicated? Because He is . . .

the LORD
and we all agree on that. It seemed the decision should be an easy “yes,” to encourage . . .

at all times
in all ways, more opportunities to praise Him together.

But I see that life doesn’t always look the same through someone else’s eyes. That’s what grace is for. I get that. But could I extend it?
Would I?

Am I?

Psalm 34

Four years ago I spent months copying Psalm 34 onto my heart, one verse at a time, one word at a time, one decision at a time.

How many hundreds of times since then has it come back to bless me, as I bless Him? Isn’t that His Word does? I learn it to honor Him; He uses it to transform me. 

Now I need it—I need Him—to dissolve my disappointment at human failures. To lock my gaze directly on Him as He encamps around me.

I taste and see that the Lord is good; I have no lack.
I seek peace; I pursue it.
The LORD is near the brokenhearted; He delivers out of all afflictions.

So I say, in freedom, unfettered, unleashed,

I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

My soul makes its boast in the LORD;
let the humble hear and be glad.

Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
Psalm 34:1-3

Read full text of Psalm 34

* * *Walk with Him Wednesday @ Holy Experience

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My Walks with Him


Trish said...

I almost thought I was on another site! Love the new look.

You have inspired me to add this one to my growing list to know in the depths of my heart.


Anonymous said...

This was so beautiful. What struck me the most: "I learn it to honor Him; He uses it to transform me."
I wrote that on my paper of scripture memory for this week...right there in the middle. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful heart.


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