Finish reading the Narnia series.
“And you’ve got a better imitation, I suppose!” said Griffle. “No thanks. We’ve been fooled once and we’re not going to be fooled again.” (p 90)
The world offers so many imitations of God. They often fool us. We worship for awhile at their feet, until we realize we’re wasting our time there. But the experience can taint us so much that we fail to recognize the true God when He appears.
“Tirian had never dreamed that one of the results of an Ape’s setting up a false Aslan would be to stop people from believing in the real one.”
God was so wise in establishing His first commandment:What imitation gods have I worshiped this summer?
Hey Lisa,
Just stopping by to say I love your new blog. I'm not sure of a Google identity (I thought I had one) so I'm Anonymous today.
We are studying about temptations in our Ladies Class on Wed. nights and the temptation to put other "gods" or idols before Him - idols such as approval of others, appearance, image, being right, etc..... We truly do need to pray we can keep Jesus in the center, and worship Him above all else. The rest of this earthly "stuff" is going to fade away. It's the eternal treasures that matter, now and forever.
I like your reminder that our "idols" can take the appearance of so many things, like "approval of others, being right,..." and the things you mentioned.
I wish they would all just have a big letter "I" on them so I could recognize them easier! ;-)
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