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Let’s mean it – “God bless you!”

The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26


My daughter Jenna sneezes in pairs.

Jenna: Achoo!
   Me: God bless you.
Jenna: Achoo!
   Me: God bless you.

I don’t think twice about my response either time. If you were to sneeze behind me at Kroger, I’d give you a “God bless you,” too. You’d do the same for me, yes?

Are we practicing a spiritual discipline when we say those words? Probably not, if we’re only offering “God bless you” out of cultural habit.

But can offering blessings be an exercise in spiritual discipline? Most definitely. Something as simple as a “God bless you” can be redeemed for His glory.

But why and how should we bless others today?

Read the rest

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I’m writing today at Do Not Depart in our Spiritual Disciplines series.

When have you received a blessing from someone?

Is there someone you can bless this week?

Do you have a favorite scripture of blessing?

Spiritual Disciplines: Soul Training theme


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