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Prime your heart – Praise!


We’d been preparing for the children in El Salvador for months.
Plans made. Orders placed. Boxes received.

  • Crayons? Check.
  • Props? Check.
  • Balls? Check.

Can you ever prepare enough?

You can never know for sure what is to come.
You can imagine. You can anticipate. You can pray.

But when you’ve done all you can, it’s still not enough.
Because it never is.
You are never enough.

Only Christ is.

So what can you do?
There’s always still time to worship.
So we did.

On the drive from Huntsville to the airport in Atlanta, in a hot church van, we crammed four side by side in the back row, three in the row in front of us, more in front of that.

And we sang. For hours. To the one who did know what was to come. To remind us of his power, his sufficiency, his love that was going to sustain us and motivate us and shape us.

When you’ve prepared all you can, prepare the heart still more.
By blessing his name in worship. For “whatever may pass and whatever lies before you.”

Get ready.
Prime your heart with praise.
It heightens your expectation for what he’s doing.
And what he’s about to do.


* * *

What song of praise prepares you to see God in the day ahead?



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