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Not just another day in church

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10
I arrived at church a few minutes before it started. Several seats were already taken. I walked to the back and an older gentleman said, “Hi.”

We shook hands and I said, “I’m Lisa.” He told me his name, then suggested some seats where we could all sit together.

Although we were first-time attendees, he obviously was not. He knew how to welcome visitors.
It was a hot morning, so he asked if Jenna and I would like some cold water. Before we could answer, he hopped up, cane in hand, and brought back two bottles of water.

He told me he was singing at today’s service. He liked to sing. For the glory of God, he said. I believed him.

The service began. My new friend knew the words to all the songs. Then it was his turn for an acapella solo. Could he sing? Oh yes, he could sing!

He sat back down, leaned over, and grinned, “Didn’t I do it?”

Oh, yes, Walter Baby Love, you did it.

He said he had a name like that for a reason; now I understood.


After the sermon, I got in line for communion with Walter Baby Love and other poor and homeless brothers and sisters gathered on the hot asphalt for this outdoor church service. Maybe some didn’t understand—couldn’t understand—but some did.

We took the bread, dipped it in juice, and took it in.

I took it in.

And took it in. And took it in. Kingdom living.
  • Sounds of praise
  • Goodness of our Jesus
  • Grace from his veins
Jeff was grilling when we rounded the corner after church was over. Following this feast of worship, he and the other volunteers of the Manna House served a feast of hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the fixings for the guests.
All free.
Until full.
Among friends.
The kingdom has come.
I’m glad to be in it.
And I’m glad brothers like Walter Baby Love are in it, too.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound  
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see

[Click here if you can't see the 30-second video]

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Where have you unexpectedly seen the kingdom come lately?


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