Two arrested in the last meth bust. Back page news.
The 20-something-man slits his wrist. He fails to die.
Lord, I need You, I cry aloud
My heart is low, my head is bowed
The teen girl feels unloved. She awaits 18 to leave it behind.
The mom has a death wish. Her plans are mounting.
Please come find me, I am here
I need to know that You are near
A wife stays jailed in her own home. She can’t leave her man.
The girl says this cut will ease the ache. No pain this time.
The sin is harsh and tries to stay
Kick it off, I plead, I pray
And the church in the city
keeps its doors locked at night and
its hearts busy by day and
its rules binding ever tighter.
Where is the Light?
Where is the Love?
Where is their Jesus?
Who has time for coddling slippery slopes when
souls are ripping and
marriages are breaking and
kids are wondering why mommy cries all the time.
Church, where are we?
Church, where are we?
Church, where are we?
I’m here, I’m here, My grip is strong
My grace is deep, My reach is long
Who will hear Him...
Can they tell another...
Won’t someone shine a Light on the dark?
* * *
When things bubble up, and I can’t catch the overflow, I lay them out in words. Sometimes words only in prayer. Sometimes there and here. Today, both.
What are you trying to say? Katie and Stacey say put your hearts on the page and offer them to the One who gave them to you in the first place. Link up here.
Debbie · 679 weeks ago
I'll have to share more as I get into it but even in that first chapter Jim was reading about a Christian family in Pakistan who were persecuted and some killed for their faith. He told his church about it at their prayer meeting and they all prayed. It just happened that a woman who was visiting the church for the first time that evening was from Pakistan. The people in the church were so touched and they all agreed to do something. It was amazing!
Keep caring, believing, praying and trusting God to lead you Lisa.
Blessings and love,
My recent post The Blessing of Change
Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
Thanks for being such a beacon of encouragement to me. You're a special sister. I appreciate you very much!
Love you!
My recent post Church, where are we?
Mary · 679 weeks ago
I've been praying for you after the tornados - hope all is well.
Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
Thanks for your prayers for our area after the tornados. All is well in my neighborhood, but a few miles down the road is really bad again. I can imagine they are asking, "Why twice, God???" Praying they will grow in faith because of it and not lose faith...
My recent post Church, where are we?
Nancy · 679 weeks ago
Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
"Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity"
I need/want to see more like Jesus does.
My recent post Church, where are we?
Nikki · 679 weeks ago
Thank you for stirring my heart today!
My recent post Waiting Defines ~ Write it, Girl
Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
My recent post Church, where are we?
@RamonaGcrew · 679 weeks ago
Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
My recent post Church, where are we?
Katie · 679 weeks ago
Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
My recent post Church, where are we?
floyd · 679 weeks ago
A beautiful prayer from the heart.
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Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
My recent post Church, where are we?
Julie · 679 weeks ago
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Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
My recent post Church, where are we?
Stacey · 679 weeks ago
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Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
My recent post Church, where are we?
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Lisa notes 103p · 679 weeks ago
My recent post Church, where are we?
pathoftreasure 18p · 679 weeks ago
denisejhughes 11p · 678 weeks ago
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