My son, be attentive to my wisdom;
incline your ear to my understanding.
Proverbs 5:1
Sometimes I struggle to pay attention.
Maybe it’s halfway through a sermon when I realize I’m no longer listening.
Or listening to a book on tape when I suddenly have no idea what’s been happening.
Or I’m trying to concentrate on a chapter in a book but Cam Newton is throwing for the Panthers on TV and I’m watching the clock to see when we need to leave for Life Talk and my stomach is really growling and ….
I want to pay better attention.
But paying = costs.
I have to give up one thing to get another.
This year I’ve dubbed as Depend and Delight. I’m depending more on the Lord, worrying less. Delighting more in his grace, less on my works.
Both keep requiring my attention.
What price am I willing to pay?
This month “suffering” keeps coming up in my Depend studies. And likewise in Delight. (I’ve found them supernaturally connected throughout the year in ways I’d never consider.)
When I learn to expect suffering (it always shows up one way or another), I can also learn to expect grace to accompany it. It’s the way God works.
And I’ll always be better off afterwards. Really, God? Really. Being sifted through suffering can strengthen faith. It teaches us to rely more on God. And to look more for his grace.
If I’ll pay the price of suffering, I’ll receive the reward of faith.
If I’ll pay the price of being attentive, I’ll see amazing gifts of grace.
If I’ll pay the price of dying to self, I’ll gain the life of Christ in me.
I resolve to keep paying attention.
It’s worth the cost to accept the grace.
* * *
Dianna · 699 weeks ago
I can attest that suffering is always accompanied by grace...and yes, because that is the way God works. In fact, His grace is so sweet in suffering that I often do not even think of the "suffering".
Love you and appreciate you, Friend.
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
Anne Lang Bundy · 699 weeks ago
But I am forced to accept the fact that although we have been freed from sin's penalty, and are increasingly being set free from its power, we will not be set free from its presence in this lifetime. We therefore must expect the suffering which always accompanies sin.
Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. Grace is cause for joy. So my conclusion is that yes, I must expect suffering—and also expect grace and joy to abound far more than suffering.
My thanks to Dianna and Lisa for everything shared here. I think this is a milestone for me. Truly. : )
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
And we also suffer by choice when we voluntarily put self to death each day. I don’t know if that ever gets less painful in this life (I hope so), but it is still painful to me.
But the suffering is outranked by the grace and the blessings. Again quoting you: “expect grace and joy to abound far more than suffering.” Amen! Your thoughts are helping me continue to shape mine as well, so thank you!
Anne Lang Bundy · 699 weeks ago
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
Anne Lang Bundy · 699 weeks ago
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
Blessings to you, Anne!
flowingfaith 23p · 699 weeks ago
My recent post Shutting Up the Inner Pharisee
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
It’s been an interesting journey to see all the connections between letting go of worries and fears with delighting more in the Lord. I have specific books I’m reading for each topic, but even in them, I find considerable overlap from two subjects that I didn’t expect to overlap. God is good!
floyd · 699 weeks ago
My recent post A LIFE SONG
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
I think I’m getting more ADD the older I get! I never used to think I was that way, but my mind sure can flit from one thing to another so easily now.
katdish · 699 weeks ago
My recent post Resolve to be bold
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
Cris Ferreira · 699 weeks ago
My solution: back when I was in college, I worked at day and studied at night, so keeping attention while extremely tired was a challenge. I found out that if I'm taking notes, I keep my attention and absorb more information than usual.
So since then I do that. No matter the subject, if it is work related or at the church, I take notes. I might not even use them, but I do it mostly to help me keep my attention. However, if I can't take notes for whatever reason, it is still a challenge...
Lisa, I loved this post, first about the attention issue (as you can see I have a problem with that too), and the part about suffering and grace touched me deeply... God has been talking to me a lot about suffering lately, and your post connected the dots.
Thanks for sharing!
My recent post An important resolution you won’t regret
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
I’m glad the suffering and grace connection is helpful to you. I am sitting here typing with a heating pad on my back because it is hurting. So I’m trying to apply this to my life right in this moment. :-) I’m thankful for the grace to be at home today so that I CAN sit still with a heating pad or move around as needed. I know his grace goes deeper than that, but at the moment, I am grateful for that.
tinuviel · 699 weeks ago
My recent post Sick-Day Gratitude
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
I'm looking for grace in my pain today too. Started really hurting yesterday with my back--I told my husband I shouldn't have written about suffering and grace! ha. Actually it's perfect timing; makes me look harder for Him.
Hazel Moon · 699 weeks ago
My recent post Resolution to Think - - Before You Bite!
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
bekahcubed · 699 weeks ago
My recent post A Weekend Recap
Lisa notes 103p · 699 weeks ago
Barbara H. 65p · 699 weeks ago
Though I know by experience and by study of the Word the benefits of suffering -- I still tend to want to avoid it. I'm thankful He sees when and how much to allow and will give grace when needed. I think I struggle with it in regard to my children even more than myself.
My recent post Book Reviews: By Seaching: My Journey Through Doubt Into Faith and In the Arena
Glynn · 699 weeks ago