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What are you giving?


gift_listWhat’s on your Christmas list?

I saved a link Morgan sent for a brown belt she wants. I printed Jenna’s list last night, including, but not limited to, some great CDs.

Those will be easy to give.

After Jesus called his twelve disciples, he sent them out to give to others (Matthew 10:8).

That gift list?

  • Health to the sick
  • Life to the dead
  • Embrace to the untouchable
  • Purging of the demon-possessed

Oh, Lord,” I say, “if I could give those things, I would, I would!

And He whispers to me to be the woman at the well. She left her water jar and ran into town to tell about the man she had seen (John 4:28-29). And when the townspeople saw him themselves, they also knew he was the Savior of the world (John 4:42).

That’s the gift I can bring.
Jesus. (Even though I’m not always sure how.)

Then he can give health to the sick, life to the dead, embrace to the untouchable, and purging to the demon-possessed.

What might we give our loved ones that will truly help them in their illness, in all their dyings and in all their struggles?

I’m sure the answer will come if we learn to reflect in a new way, one that is focused on what God has given us.
     Michael Dubruiel
     Be Vigilant

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kenneth Padgett is a songwriter who is giving gifts of music reflecting Biblical truths in a project called The Joy Eternal.

The first song being released is “Finally Alive.” Listen here.

Finally Alive
Kenneth Padgett

I was dead and depraved and I loved my sin
I was lifeless in the grave of hopelessness

But I'm finally alive
I've been made new
I'm satisfied in You
And these dead bones live
And this new heart beats
For You

You, in Your loving kindness healed my blindness and let me see.
Now I can see and savor, enjoy forever Your majesty!

I'm finally alive
I've been made new
I'm satisfied in You
And these dead bones live
And this new heart beats
For You

* * *

If you’ve been made alive by him too,
consider how you can give him this Christmas.

(Thoughts inspired by Michael Dubruiel’s Be Vigilant: Daily Meditations for Advent


Debbie Petras said...

This sounds very interesting Lisa! I went to the Desiring God blog which I follow and listened to his words.

I'm doing some blog hopping today so I can catch up a bit with my friends. Just wanted to stop by and say hello.

Blessings and love,

Michelle said...

I like this song.
My favorite part is:
But I'm finally alive
I've been made new
I'm satisfied in You(Jesus)


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