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Friday’s Fave Five

Five favorites from my week:

1. New puppyKandie
One week ago, Jenna got some special Easter Kandie. A fluffy ball of fun! We’ve all fallen in love with Kandie. I’m sure you can see why. JT and Kandie2. A cancelled (but not) meeting
The multi-Family Education Meeting scheduled on Wednesday afternoon was cancelled. But no one told our family.

So my sister and I showed up anyway, which in turn got us individualized info specific to our mom, instead of hearing just general info they share with everyone. 

3. A/C & Heating systems 
    Ice packs & Heating pads
Big cold, big heat; little cold, little heat. I’ve traded between them back and forth all week as needed for comfort and healing.

Aren’t most of us so spoiled? I am grateful to be living in these times.

4. Surprising my mom
Every time we visit our mom lately, she’s totally surprised. While I don’t like that she forgets we’re coming, I do like seeing her eyes light up when we walk in the door.

5. Great attitudes
My friend Lauren started her first chemo drip yesterday. And she called me as she was getting it. She was so relaxed and at peace. To God be the glory!

And I love this attitude that I saw on Twitter from PiperTravel (John Piper):

piper tweet Isn’t that something to think about!

* * *

So how has your week been?


Unknown said...

Okay..Kandie is just about the sweetest thing I have ever seen!

Have a nice weekend!

Karen said...

Oh, forget having the boys come play with her, *I* want to go eat up some Kandie! I just can't imagine her being an outside dog (but then, I have a hard time imagining any dog living outside).

So glad that info on the meeting didn't make it your way! That must have been a real treat, getting info tailored for you.

Brenda said...

That dog is so cute.... I agree.. let her live in the house! :-)

And thanks- because I didn't know I was having a good day until I read John Piper's quote. Ha.

Renee said...

How adorable!!! Love those puppies! I like the quote about it being a great day.....I heard one recently too although I cannot remember where..."Today is a great day because today I am a candidate for a miracle."
Have a good miraculous day!

Stephani Cochran said...

I like #4 especially. It's nice to know you are brining her joy, a little bright spot in her day. Have a nice week Lisa!

Lisa notes... said...

Just pretend that Kandie is an inside dog then. But she really loves it outside. Really. :-) Fresh air, critters, sunshine. Just not the lake yet--she's timid around it, which is good for now. Later this summer though, I imagine she'll be good at slinging water all over us after a dip.

Barbara H. said...

What a sweet puppy!

That was great that you got some specific info. rather than a general meeting.

I am glad we live in these times as well. I would not have made a good pioneer.

It's great to know you are bringing your mom joy each time you visit. And how great that your friend is going through this trial at peace.

Dorothy said...

I love puppies! Actually, I love dogs of any age but Kandie is a real cutie!

I smiled when I read about your Mom being surprised every time she sees you. I'm wondering if her eyes lighting up when you walk in the door isn't one of those special gifts that God gives in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Jerralea said...

Aww, what a sweet puppy!

I appreciate your attitude when you say "While I don’t like that she forgets we’re coming, I do like seeing her eyes light up when we walk in the door." Good to see the positive in the situation.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

That puppy is just precious!!

I love how you find blessings in the bushes, Lisa. Your comment about your mom's surprise is a great example.

Happy weekend.

Karyn said...

What a cute puppy! I'm sure she'll be a fun addition to your family.

I like your point about your mom being excited to see you. What a blessing in the midst of the difficulty of her illness.

graywolfie said...

Wow...cute puppy...!

I'm sure ur mom is happy to see u...

My week had been quite tough...Sweetie's eye was swollen on subsided on Tuesday & then Wednesday she had fever + cough + runny nose...till now...sigh...

Susanne said...

That is one sweet puppy!

What a blessing that was that you were given individualized info even though the meeting had been cancelled. I'm sure it was a great help.

Praying for your friend that she has continued peace during and after her treatments.

Willow said...

That new puppy is absolutely adorable! How sweet! Heating pads and ice packs are good. I hope that doesn't mean you have an 'owie'.

I'm glad you are able to look on the positive side of your mom's surprise at your visits with her. It does bring her joy to see you!

Have a great weekend!

Lisa Spence said...

That puppy is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. If a new puppy was in my week, the FFFs would've been 1) her nose 2) her silky ears 3) her padding feet 4) her gentle eyes 5) that softsoft fur. But you've practiced much more restraint!

That Piper quote goes perfectly with the message I heard recently from John Piper, about how God's power is doing amazing things even when we don't realize it -- like holding back the power of Satan.

sewa mobil said...

cute puppy
i like it too


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