1. Read this before you e-mail again
“11 Things to Consider Before You Send the Next E-mail,”
by Amit Banerjee
1. Use a meaningful subject
2. Skip the intro paragraph
5. Never write in capital case
11. Use short and simple sentences
2. Instead of complaining . . .
“Put the focus on the positive first, where it belongs. Then everything after that is about how to improve things.”
More on Matt Perman’s “Be Constructive.”
3. Worried about failing?
Three new ways to answer the question: What if I fail?
1. I will fail gloriously.
2. It’s too early to determine failure.
3. It’s not about failure, it’s about obedience.
Read it all by Jon Acuff on Stuff Christians Like.
4. Why we praise
This is not arrogance. This is grace.
This is not egomania. This is love.
~ John Piper
What is? The reason God seeks our praise. Read it.
5. Is your passion real or fake?
Which is greater? Your reputation or your character?
When is the last time you came alone before your Father just to enjoy Him?
If it has been a while, don’t waste your time reading this article. Get alone and adore Him.
Pray that you would no longer merely love Him through your religious actions, but with the passion befitting a person in love.
Read “Public Passion vs Private Devotion” by Francis Chan.
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Fantastic quotes, especially Francis Chan's. I finished Chan's book Crazy Love a few months ago; boy oh boy, was that encouraging and convicting!
Yes, "Crazy Love" was especially convicting to me, too. I've got Chan's next book "Forgotten God" on my nightstand to start soon...
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