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Daybook - June 2013

I am thinking...about this post on biblical authority from Scot McKnight:

   Denny believes in Jesus because he believes in the Bible as the Word and Andy believes in the Bible because he believes in Jesus as the Word.
   Who’s swallowed the poison pill?

I am thankful for...these StickyGrams—my mother’s day present from Jenna. They’re Instagram pictures turned into magnets! So cute.sticky-grams

I am how many areas this still applies to me: “You’re being too careful” from Donald Miller

I am creating...a new blog home!!! I’m switching from Blogger to WordPress, probably going live on Monday. A few more kinks to work out, but coming soon... 

I am enjoying...a new position on the wall—worshiping with new friends in the choir.

I am learning...more about our calling to bring an atmosphere of heaven to earth. The choirs from all our campuses had a Worship Workshop last Saturday—inspiring! (And some incredible worship went up, too.)

I am looking forward to...our first Night of Worship this Sunday night at our West campus

I am do better at memorizing lyrics so I can worship freer

I am exceptional time of praise with dear, dear friends from my old church family also last weekend

button classicsI am hoping...our Memory Classics group maintains the strong momentum we’ve begun with! This week is the easy but beautiful John 3:16. Sweet stories at the blog and in our FB group.

I am taking...more used clothes to Manna House. The more I see the need, the more I’m motivated to donate.

I am watching...the current season of So You Think You Can Dance. I started watching just to hang out with Jenna. Now I also watch because the beauty of dance mesmerizes me. 52-lies-heard-in-church-steve-mcvey

I am reading...52 Lies again with my family’s summer book club! I wonder how we ended up reading this one. Prompts great discussion among us sisters, daughters, nieces, cousins.

I am The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler, the free audiobook of the month at Christian Audio 

I am another read through the Bible (even though it took 2 years, 5 months)

I am hearing...“Jesus everything I've lost I have found in You / When I finally reach the end I'll say / You are worth it all”


I am pondering these words...If you can live through a moment, you can live through a day, and how you live a day is eventually how you live your life. - Philip Yancey from Rumors of Another World

One of my favorite things...weddings that go on, rain or shine! My beautiful niece made a gorgeous bride last Saturday—and a dry one by ceremony time.

A thought to share...Trees by Joyce Kilmer and photo of a tree in the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest from our trip last week

I think that I shall never see    
A poem lovely as a tree.    
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest    
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;    
A tree that looks at God all day,     
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;    
A tree that may in summer wear    
A nest of robins in her hair;    
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;    
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,    
But only God can make a tree.


* * *

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The Explicit Gospel is a favorite of mine!
My recent post Jesus is my life
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
I remember you liked it. That's always a good sign! :-) Looking forward to listening to it all.
My recent post The practice of walking on earth: Go barefoot
I like what you are learning and taking. And I am thinking of following suit.
This is a beautiful way to sum up so many things, and I loved the song too.
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
Thanks, Ugochi. The song is one that sticks with me, which is a good thing.
My recent post The practice of walking on earth: Go barefoot
I can't tell you how glad I am to hear your switching to wordpress! This is one of the rare days I don't have to sneak around the home page and through the back door to leave a comment... Yeah, I'm pretty quick, it only took me six months to figure it out!

Love the picture magnets and that picture of the hubby and youngest...

My recent post BORN TO BE WILD
3 replies · active 615 weeks ago
I'm glad you're glad, Floyd. :-) Hopefully it will be a good move--at least from the ease-of-commenting standpoint.

Jenna and Jeff did have fun trying to reach around that ginormous tree. Would love to know its age. Trees fascinate me.
My recent post The practice of walking on earth: Go barefoot
Oh yeah, that was an awesome poem as well. This country was built on trees. I often ponder trees. "The trees of Lebanon," always fascinates me, the shade of Jonah, or lack thereof, the fruit tree cursed by Jesus. I think trees mean more than most people give them credit for.
My recent post BORN TO BE WILD
Yep, our very life and death are contributed to by trees (the cross / tree of knowledge of good & evil)....
My recent post The practice of walking on earth: Go barefoot
I always have lots of books going so if you ever need a book suggestion, let me know. :-)

And those magnet are really cool. I have them spread out on my refrigerator now.
My recent post Daybook - June 2013
I should get me some Instagram magnets. Oh, you are going to love Word Press. I switched a few years ago and I am so happy I did! I love expressing myself through worship. Praying you have a fabulous weekend Lisa!
My recent post Five Minute Friday: Fall
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
Thank you, Barbie, for the Wordpress encouragement because I'm already having my doubts. Some things I like better, but some I can't quite figure out yet. There will definitely be a learning curve.

I've had to grow into expressing myself through worship, but what a ride it's been! Never turning back now. I love that the Lord gives US delight also as we delight in HIM.
My recent post Daybook - June 2013
How exciting about your blog all the pictures, and the Sticky grams...will have to check it many good books to read...thanks for sharing and Happy Friday to you :)
My recent post Five Minute Fridays: Fall
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
I'd never seen the Sticky Grams before, but they're so cute that I think they'll take off and be a hit. Wish I'd thought of the idea myself. :-)

Have a blessed weekend!
My recent post Daybook - June 2013
One of these days I'm going to join in on this one. Over the years, I've read many blog posts of The Simple Woman's Day Book. I enjoyed getting a glimpse into your life Lisa. I too enjoy watching dance. I've followed most seasons of 'So You Think You Can Dance'. Occasionally I will be able to point out a dancer who was on the show in previous seasons as they dance on a singer's video or on a show.
My recent post Have You Lost Your Wonder?
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
I'm glad you watch the show too, Debbie. I think it's just beautiful how people can express themselves through their bodies. Jenna was able to take classes with some of the "stars" last year from the show when she'd go to competitions. I'm excited for this new season to settle into the real contestants next week.
I love your "I am thinking". I heard a missionary speak on a similar thought one time. Your tree poem is awesome as is that big tree you are hugging.
My recent post First in the Family
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
That post really did make me think. I wanted to post it here so I could find it again when I wanted to re-read it.

I made my kids memorize that tree poem when they were younger, so it was exciting to hear my 18-year-old still be able to recite snatches of it when we ran into that tree. :-)
My recent post I’ve moved! . . . to
great post lisa!
Oh, thanks so much for stopping by..........Oh, I've thought so much about making the switch to WordPress but would definitely have to have guidance with that.

I remember memorizing that poem in high school and haven't thought about it years.

Sweetest blessings to you!
My recent post Simple Woman's Daybook

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