It only took about a month.
They appreciated their freedom in Exodus 15. But by Exodus 16, despite being liberated from their bondage in Egypt, the Israelites wanted to go back.
A similar thing happened to the early believers in Jerusalem. They, too, had been delivered from slavery and were now free in Christ Jesus.
But some were too secure with their chains to completely drop them (see Acts 15).
In Grace, Max Lucado explains it this way:
It wasn’t that the people didn’t believe in grace at all. They did. They believed in grace a lot.
They just didn’t believe in grace alone. They wanted to add to the work of Christ.
Grace-a-lots believe in grace, a lot. Jesus almost finished the work of salvation, they argue. In the rowboat named Heaven Bound, Jesus paddles most of the time.
But every so often he needs our help. So we give it. We accumulate good works the way Boy Scouts accumulate merit badges on a sash.
Or so we think.
I don’t want to be a grace-a-lot.
I want to be a grace-in-full.
And from his fullness we have all received,
grace upon grace.
John 1:16
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Day 14 of . . .
fsamons 60p · 647 weeks ago
His hand provides the very cosmos that allows our breath and life on this planet and yet we think so much of ourselves to think we could do ANYTHING to be able to contribute through our works?
Lisa notes 103p · 647 weeks ago
My recent post Grace-a-lot
Denise · 647 weeks ago
No intense debate here, but wondering if you have done a review of The Prodigal God. We watched the video tonight at house worship following last week's reading and discussion of Luke 15. I've known all along that I hang out on the porch with the older brother, but what Tim said about 'repenting of all the reasons I did the right thing' really convicted me. Bleh, for Tim Keller for being on point! Say hi to the family for me! Denise
Lisa notes 103p · 647 weeks ago
Last week we got to hear you all singing via Ed's video from Ireland. He "introduced" us to everyone. Was such a treat!
My recent post Grace-a-lot
Pamela · 647 weeks ago
Lisa notes 103p · 647 weeks ago
My recent post Grace-a-lot