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Talk to God with His words

Use Spirit-inspired words for Spirit-filled prayers.pray-through-scriptureWhose words? 
We know God’s words are powerful. When He speaks, things happen (Psalm 33:9).

So what happens when we speak His words? Are things more likely to change if we pray His exact words?

Well, they’re not meant to be a magical “Abracadabra!” It’s only God’s power behind the words that make them work anyway.

But when we reflect His words back to Him through our prayer conversations, we are ensuring we’re in agreement with His will.

Jesus said if we abide in Him, and His words abide in us, we can ask whatever we wish, and it will be done for us (John 15:7).

Whose words? His words.

I’m not suggesting we forgo original prayers. God forbid. We need to talk things out using our own words with our heavenly Father just like we do in earthly relationships.

But we can effectively supplement those times by occasionally praying scripture.

Try these four steps...

Read the rest at Do Not Depart

Your word that goes out from Your mouth does not return to You empty. May it accomplish that which You purpose, and succeed in the thing for which You sent it.
~ Isaiah 55:11

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Do you do pray with scripture? Have a favorite verse? A useful prayer book? 



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