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Give Him the old

I find, by experience, that, let me make resolutions, and do what I will, with never so many inventions, it is all nothing, and to no purpose at all, without the motions of the Spirit of God.
~ Jonathan Edwards


Kay and I decided in 2011 to start something new in 2012. Jenna and her friends are spurring us on. A new class. For teen girls.

Yesterday we looked at the classroom we’ll have. Um, think of your kitchen junk drawer, but room-sized.

The old needs to pass away so the new can come.

We pulled previous décor off the walls. We threw things in the trash. We made piles of bigger things to dispose of. (Anybody want some musty, mushy couches?)

A little bit of old was gone.

But what about the new? If new means different, can different mean recycled?

We needed a white board. We found an unused one in another classroom. Lamps? A room down the hall had one just waiting for us. Pictures? Jenna has several already that we can choose from.

Sometimes new comes straight from old.
The used-up converted to useful.
A regeneration of the exhausted.

What are you trashing from 2011? We all have some old that needs to pass away: bad habits, unwanted pounds, cluttered corners.

But what pieces can be redeemed? God is the master Redeemer. He can breathe new life into areas that you thought were dead.

Maybe a dream needs dusting off or a plan needs revamping or a relationship needs restoring. Now is the right time to hand it over to God.

He can do something with it.

Give him the old. He can make it new. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17

* * *

Did you make any New Year Resolutions? Renew any old ones?

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I haven't made resolutions for a long time -- it seemed ridiculous to keep making them in January and forgetting them in a few weeks. I used to make goals for the new year but didn't even regularly do that. But I am rethinking this year. Our pastor has been preaching through Job and began a series yesterday from Job 31, where Job is defending himself from his friends' accusations that he must have sinned and sinned big for all this calamity to have come upon him. The chapter begins by his saying "I have made a covenant with my eyes that I shall not look upon a maid" (paraphrased). The rest aren't stated quite like resolutions but they can be inferred by his statements of his behavior. Our pastor wrote a little booklet that goes along with the study, and one paragraph was particularly helpful to me in which he talked about the conflict between knowing it is God who works change in us, not our mustering up resolve, yet resolve can be a response to His working in us. I think that hit the nail on the head for me, the crux of my problem with resolve. I know I can't change myself, it is God who works change. Yet He does want some cooperation: He doesn't just bulldoze through us. And he infuses that cooperation with His power, as Edwards said.

I feel like I am talking in circles -- this is all mulling around from yesterday and this morning. I'm looking forward to the rest of the study.

Thanks for the link on my site to the Tripp post about 10,000 small moments. Very helpful.

I'm excited for your class! Hope and pray it goes well.

It's a neat thought that as God searches through us, He discerns what needs to go and what can be redeemed and transformed.
My recent post The Week in Words
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
I think your "circle" is one we all have to deal with. Who actually produces the change? God. But if it's only God who can do it, why am I working so hard? I still mull this around too--God's work but my cooperation. Sounds like your pastor's series will be a profitable one.
My recent post Book give-away—A one-year devotional
God is in the business of miracles. He only needs participants. May I and all of us be the willing participants of His power this new year.

Thanks for some inspiration Lisa.
My recent post GOODBYE 2011
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
A participant. That's what I want to be. I know He can do it with or without me, but I'd rather see it happen up close. Thanks, Floyd.
My recent post Book give-away—A one-year devotional
What a wonderful project for the new year! A family friend's home Bible class for teen girls is still bearing fruit in my sisters' lives. I'm looking forward to beginning the book you gave me. Lots of fears and grumbling impatience need trashing in my life as God redeems my brokenness and weakness.

Grace and peace to you in Jesus, Lisa.
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
That is very encouraging to hear about your sisters, Christina. What a miracle it would be if our teen class could bear fruit like that down the road too. It's up to His grace....

I hope you enjoy the book. I continue to refer to it off and on for things I wanted to use from it.

Praying you're having a blessed day.
My recent post Book give-away—A one-year devotional
Yay...what a great mission you have in front of you...cheering! great post Lisa...Happy New Year to you! ..yes I did make resolutions, and one of them is to be INTENTIONAL about what I set out to I guess that would be #1 on the list....:-) Have fun getting ready and thanks for posting the books!! Hugs to you...looking forwarding to sharing and following in 2012!! xo
My recent post 2011....Going...Going....Almost Out of here...
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Thanks for cheering for us with the class. I'm sure we'll need it. :-) Especially after a few weeks when we've used up all our good ideas. ha.

I love your resolution about being intentional. What a great one to choose!
My recent post Book give-away—A one-year devotional
I bet a college student would love a mushy, mushy couch! I don't make resolutions - God gives me themes - not always on Jan 1, though - His New Year for me begins when He whispers that theme - I'm leaving the Year of Walking and moving into the new Year of, though:)

Wishing you much blessing with your teen girls class!
My recent post Blue Cotton Mom’s Most Memorable Moment of 2011
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
I don't know if even a college student would want these couches (although they do look suspiciously like the one(s) my daughter went through at Auburn). Ha.

God whispers your theme...that is worth listening for. I look forward to what you'll share as the year goes on.
My recent post Book give-away—A one-year devotional
I've spent some time throwing away trash -- both in my home and in my heart. Your teen girls will be blessed to have you sharing the beautiful truths from God's Word.
My recent post My 2012 Word
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Thank you, Pamela, for the encouragement.
We finally threw away and redistributed some things yesterday that I've had sitting in a basket since Christmas a year ago. Sigh. It took about 15 minutes...and I waited a year to make decisions about it. Crazy. ;-)
My recent post Book give-away—A one-year devotional
As soon as I read this -- old to new -- I thought about a key relationship in my life. Thank you for that.
My recent post What Will You Cultivate? and the Soli Deo Gloria Party
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
You're welcome. I'm keeping your "cultivation" thought close to my heart too.
My recent post Book give-away—A one-year devotional
I love the affirmation that the old can be redeemed. So many times I struggle wanting the new shiny thing. I don't look at what I already have, physically and spiritually. I have been redeemed and need to embrace that.
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Sounds like you're already on your way to "contentment". :-)
My recent post Book give-away—A one-year devotional
Hmmm... looking at that picture and sitting down today to organize my thoughts for Sunday, I'm feeling like God has a lot to do with our 'junk drawer room' and my 'junk drawer mind!' But thankfully it's not too big a job for Him to pull it all together. :) I am most thankful for the chance to start this year out with you and this class with our teen girls... I know it will be an adventure! "Sometimes new comes straight from old. __The used-up converted to useful. A regeneration of the exhausted." These thoughts really speak to me... I love the redemptive power of God and the way He turns trash to treasure. I hope somewhere not too long down the line you can re-post a picture of this room as it is 'redecorated' -- and I look forward to the transformation in our hearts and that of our teen girls as we make room for God's Spirit to move. :)
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Yes, I hope I can post a picture later of the fabulous room. I should have taken one tonight of the "clean" room. This is probably the highlight night of open space and smelling fresh. :-)

I'm looking too of how the Spirit will move in and set up camp there through all our hearts gathered together. I can't predict exactly what we're in for, but I know when God is involved, it will be awesome!
My recent post 5 things about pleasure
Out with the old - - in with the new! New year - new treasure to discover.
May your girls learn to move in God and hear His voice. This is such a tender age and decisions made now will remain for a life time.
My recent post Give it Another Year!
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
Thanks, Hazel. I do pray we can do a good job to let God speak through the lessons and the experiences in the months ahead.
My recent post 5 things about pleasure
Interesting. i just wrote about what a temptation it is for me to try to organize and plan my life instead of being open to what God has for me. And yet. I know that planning is a good thing. Maybe I need to think of my habits of organization and planning being redeemed and restored?
My recent post A Place I Don't Know
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
It's such a balance, isn't it? I like to plan, plan, plan, but there's so much in God's adventures that we can never predict.
My recent post 5 things about pleasure
Just look at all that color in that room! I think that is definitely a redeeming feature. And Lisa? What a wonderful way to welcome the new. You make such lifegiving goals, friend. May God bless you in this endeavor. And much in the new year.
My recent post Playdates: Empty to Fill
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
You bless me, Laura. "All that color" could be viewed as a cacophony of chaos. :-) We thought about painting over it (I don't know how long it's been that way), but instead have decided to use the squares and rectangles as places for each girl to make her own, telling a piece of her story as the quarter goes by.
My recent post 5 things about pleasure
Thank you for this post. I'm excited about what the new year holds for both of us!
1 reply · active 688 weeks ago
I'm excited too, Brandee--it will be interesting to look back a year from now and see what all the Lord has done.
My recent post 5 things about pleasure

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