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He comes, and I must sing

And Mary said,
    “My soul magnifies the Lord, 
     and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”

Luke 1:46-47 


How often do you break out in song?
While I do occasionally, it’s usually just repeating a song I already know.

But when Mary’s heart was overflowing with praise after her cousin Elizabeth blessed her as the mother of her Lord, Mary expressed herself with inspired words (Luke 1:46-55).

Words that breathe.
Words that move.

We sing her words with my church, “Magnificat.” And even in the repetition, I feel the Spirit breathe through us in Mary’s phrases.

My soul magnifies the Lord.
My spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
He has been mindful of His servant.
I will be blessed forever.

I want to sing these words often. Mean these words. Deeply. In every month of the year.

But I long to express worship in my own words, too. To let the Lord know from my mouth that His coming to me stirs my soul.

I read these words yesterday by Walter Wangerin, Jr. for December Fourteen in Preparing for Jesus:

O Lord, you are the musician, and we are all your instruments. You breathe, and we come to life. You breathe, and we are horns for your glory. You blow through the world the winds of the spirit, and we like chimes cannot keep silent. You pluck the strings of our hearts, and we become a psalm.

You come, and we must sing.

He comes, and I must sing.
You may never hear my song, but he will. 

* * *
Read or listen to Mary’s words in Luke 1:46-55 today.

Do they prompt praise in your heart, too?


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