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Grace in the details

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

I’d had a great Saturday, traveling to Mississippi to the Coleman family reunion. And now a great Sunday, traveling to Tennessee to see “Wicked” with Kay.

But by Sunday night, my body was tired. Sitting with the church gathered in Nashville, I simply wanted to close my eyes. Not out of boredom, but just to rest.

As the preacher was winding up his sermon, he said that many people know how to come to church, but not how to come to Jesus.

If we want rest, we need to come to Jesus for it.

So he suggested while we broke bread for the Lord’s Supper, talk to Jesus about that.

Come to him and rest.
Close our eyes and pray.

I smiled on the inside. God works in the details. He provided just the time I needed to socially-acceptably close my eyes, to rest in Jesus, to thank him for his faithfulness in giving me what I need, when I need it. For my good, for his glory.

Don’t just look for the Lord in the big things; he lives in the details, too.

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Counting more grace in the details on my way to 1,000...

# 436-451
~ a lovely ride to Mississippi with my brother Lane and s-i-l Bonnie
~ a big family that sings in 4-part harmony 
~ visiting with the three remaining siblings of my grandfather (out of eight)
~ seeing my mom again when I looked at her brother and sisterIMG_2234

~ relating more to the “older” cousins now that we’re all grown up
~ visiting with cousin Rita who I reconnected with at Stream a few years ago
~ re-meeting cousin Brenda who I’ve grown to love through her blogIMG_2223

~ walking through my other grandmother’s house again
~ sitting on some of the same furniture I remember as a little girl
~ laughing with my sister SandyIMG_2250IMG_2238

~ distribution of God’s gifts in the arts
~ good vs evil stories throughout all cultures
~ college girls’ dorm rooms
~ a church in love with Jesus
~ missing roads here and there but always getting back on track

~ God who cares even more about my details than I do

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