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Give it to Him; He’ll give it to them


I stick a dollar bill in my pocket before I head to the store. I want to be prepared this year. Too often I avoid eye contact with the bell ringers. I hope they’ll look the other way like I do. But they don’t.

And I don’t want to anymore either.

Think today about Jesus multiplying the five loaves and two fish to feed more than five thousand people (Matthew 14:15-21).

Then think about your own small stash of loaves, fish, maybe the dollar bill in your pocket. Isn’t it natural to think you need to get more before you can give more?  But Jesus says, “No. Give what you have” (Matthew 14:16).

And he follows with, “Bring the hungry to me” (Matthew 14:18).

That’s all he’s asking. Bring your gift to him. Bring the needy to him.

Then let him do the mathematical miracle of matching supply and demand.

Don’t worry about what you don’t have.
Give what you do have. 
He will make it satisfy.

And they all ate and were satisfied (Matthew 14:20).

Today take what you have and give it. Give it for others.

Take the words that are buried in your mind and share them with those you meet.

Whatever you have, it is enough - share it. Give what you have today, asking God to bless it as you do.
     ~ Michael Dubruiel
        Be Vigilant: Daily Meditations for Advent

* * *

What can you give today?
Maybe it’s only a dollar. Maybe it’s a hug. Or a word. 
Whatever it is, He can make it enough, if you’ll give it.


Melissa said...

Thank you for this challenge to be more prepared...I know I need to be, and to learn to be satisfied with what I have.

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Great thoughts Lisa! Especially for this time of year....go prepared and God will use you! Giving to others is something my husband has ALWAYS embraced.
Don't worry and look at what you don't have, look at what you have and GIVE....Great thought! :)

Thanks again for all your prayer support and encouragement!

Trisha said...

It is amazing how the change adds up. We started saving "clean water" money to buy wells through Samaritan's Purse, and we were surprised how much we had saved over time. Great encouragement, Lisa!

nannykim said...

Amen to that!

Michelle DeRusha said...

It's sounds so simple, doesn't it? Why do we make it so complicated? Greed, I guess. But you got it right, girl -- thanks for inspiring us to follow ing your footsteps.

Unknown said...

My grandparents used to be officers in the Salvation Army and I always think of them, but NEVER HAVE CASH...I had to put in what I had last time...and I emptied out my change...I'm not sure she believed it was all I had with me:( He knows my heart and I WILL put in actual cash when I have was sweet to read this...I always remember my grandparents this time of year:) yes, try to be prepared...NOT a strong point;/

Loni said...

I like to have change with me when I am with my kids . . . so they can put it in . . .teaching them about giving.

Thank you for the reminder! We should hear those bells soon.

Erin said...

"Isn’t it natural to think you need to get more before you can give more? But Jesus says, “No. Give what you have”

Thank you for these words. It is far too easy to focus on "getting" rather than giving, because the giving requires extra faith that God provides what it is we truly need.

Mommy Emily said...

i will. i will give what i do have. i won't worry about what i don't. lisa, you don't know how i needed this, friend. thank you. xo

Kati patrianoceu said...

This story also hit me at a moment of hesitation regarding giving! I am about to travel and don't want to have too much of the wrong currency in my purse, so am feeling a bit stingy. Thanks for your reminder that I'm being silly :)

Nancy said...

As someone who thinks about Christmas all year long, I loved this! Christmas begins for me, each year, when I see my first Salvation Army bell ringer. When my kids were young, I used to tell them to grab some coins and put them in their pockets for the bell ringers. This year, my friend Ethel and I get to be bell ringers! I'm so excited--I'm like a little kid at Christmas!!!!

Courtney Walsh said...

You are so so right. I just did my grocery shopping and the sweet bell ringer helped me when all the groceries on the bottom of my cart fell off and spilled in the parking lot. I had nothing to give him. Not even a dollar.

I think you're onto a great idea...I'm going to stick a couple dollars in my pocket from now on!

Anonymous said...

the bell ringer at "wally world" this weekend had a stereo. he was blarring one of the Christmas songs (i can't remember which one) and was ringing 2 bells and dancing like a happy crazy person!
it made me smile. JOY!

i'm tired of being unprepared to help God's people. and all of us are HIs.



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