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Summer Celebration - Friday’s Fave Five

Jeff, Jenna, and I only have a few more hours at Summer Celebration in Nashville, so here’s the super quick run-down of 5 favorites we’ve enjoyed so far:

1. Psalm 34 in variety
The theme this week has been: “How Great Is Our God! Learning Praise from the Psalms” with a particular emphasis on Psalm 34 (one of my favs!). Besides great lessons on it, we’ve also heard a dramatic recitation, a cantor singing it in Hebrew, and a 4-some taking turns with sign language, Spanish, English, and a language I didn’t know. 2 more to go.

2. Late night praise
We’ve been blessed to sing with two of our favorite groups so far, Hallal and Zoe. Singing praise with the family is always a highlight.

3. Ministry encouragements
In exchange for free food, we listen to a different ministry tell of their good works. (But it always touches us, so we donate to the cause.) We’ve heard from missionaries to China, from internet/radio teams, from disaster relief teams, and from church planters.

JT4. Excellent teachings
Too many, too fresh to pick a favorite. Suffice it to say we’re being fed from the bounty of God’s riches.

5. Smiling again
Jenna has had migraines and nausea for almost 2 weeks. After such a rough go, she woke up this morning raring to go. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to see her smiling again!

* * *


Kay said...

So glad you've had a refreshing time away. I can't wait to hear about what you've learned and I'm glad to see that Jenna is feeling better! :) Have a safe trip home...

Karen said...

I would have loved to have gone to Summer Celebration, but Noah is doing summer school at HCA this week and next. Sounds like a lovely time.

momma24 said...

What a lovely list! Blessings abound.

Hazel said...

A cantor singing it in Hebrew? I'm curious and would love to listen to that! Your Jenna's smile makes me smile too. Happy Friday.

Jerralea said...

Oh this sounds so interesting! Psalm 34 is totally one of my favorite pieces of scripture.

Lindsay said...

It sounds like you are having a nice time away at the celebration and God is blessing you! I pray you have a blessed upcoming week as well!

Susanne said...

So glad Jenna is over the migraines and nausea. I can't imagine having that for 2 weeks straight. Praying she will continue to feel well.

Sounds like a wonderful time you are having!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a relief to have Jenna feeling better. Your week sounds lovely with singing and spiritual food and encouragement.

Cathie said...

I'm glad your daughter is feeling better and hopefully the ailments do not return.

The study of Psalm 34 sounds wonderful - isn't it cool how learning something by different methods and from different viewpoints can make it so much richer and long lasting?


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