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Not so bad after all—Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five at Living to Tell the Story 1. A church singing
We have friends whose mother is at the same assisted living facility as my mom. They brought many from their church there last Sunday afternoon (and invited our family) for a gospel singing with the residents. It was incredible to see and feel the Christian love from people I didn’t even know, except through the common bond of Christ. Not only were the residents encouraged through their visit and songs, I was, too!

2. Glitch-free appointment
My sister and I took our mom to a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday that I had really been fretting about. The logistics alone seemed almost impossible for it to happen, but God paved the way that day for no glitches! I was very grateful.

3. Answered prayer
I’ve been praying about a particular situation for a long time, and this week I saw answers. It was the kind where you fall on your knees and cry “Thank you, thank you, God!” over and over. There’s still lots of pain involved in the answer, but I think it will prevent tons more pain down the road.

4. No cancer recurrence
Another answered prayer. On Wednesday I had a colonoscopy to discover that the cancer they found a year ago has not returned. Yea! I can’t believe how incredibly blessed I’ve been on this one. Moral: Catch things early when you can (I have to preach this to myself). Uncomfortable procedures now are so much easier and quicker than very much harsher treatments later.

5. Mama’s haircut
This may not sound big to you, but for 3 months we’ve been trying to get my mom to cooperate for a haircut with the beautician at her assisted living. Today when I saw my mom with her hair all in her eyes, I knew this had to be the day. So miracle of miracles, it all worked out. Wish I had a picture to show you. Thank you, Father!

* * *

Confession time:
I wasn’t going to participate in FFF this week because I was feeling too down.

But after seeking out five favorites (plus more that didn’t make this list), I realize that my week wasn’t as horrible as I thought it was, and actually contained quite a few miracles.

So thanks, Susanne, for encouraging us to choose gratefulness.
Join her and others for more Friday’s Fave Five to see what gratefulness to God can do for you!


Jerralea said...

Lisa, I'm so glad you chose gratefulness! Remember we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb AND the word of our testimony.

I'm so glad you got a good report on your colonscopy! Praise God!

Brenda said...

I've come to believe that gratefulness is the answer to almost everything that ails us. Remind me of this next time *I* am down. (Like in 5 minutes, probably!)

Yay no cancer!

Love you!

Brenda said...

I just saw your question on Twitter (in the column here)- "If you become like who you worship, what are you going to look like a year from now?" Answer: A Devil Creme cake. (So aptly named!)

Brenda said...

Congratulations on a cancer free check up. And nice to have that hair cut done, sometimes those things can be such a hassle, but we feel so good when we get them done!

ellen b said...

Glad you were able to change some hard situations into gladness. sounds like quite the busy week for you. I hope your weekend is relaxing and refreshing...

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I'm in wholeherted agreement about the virtue of FFF -- it constantly focuses me on my blessings, even in a tough week.

That checkup alone is worth an FFF. Answered prayer and glitch-free appointments are blessings, too. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.

Marg said...

I cannot imagine you feeling down...sometimes I get like that too and then I need to take a break...for a few days, and think and reflect and then God gives me new inspiration.
Thank God for all those fave Five. Cancer Free! That is amazing.
Blessings to you.

Barbara H. said...

I am so glad you participated. The FFF has done that for me as well at times -- lifted my spirits by focusing on the many blessings God provided.

I am so glad the haircut and the appointment worked out.

My MIL just will not go to singings or anything at her assisted living place. She feels safe and secure in her room and not much anywhere else (though she does love to go to church and our house for Sunday dinner and to my son's basketball games), and she can't hear very well, anyway, so she figures why go hear something you can't hear. I think she'd love it if she went, though. I'm glad you were able to experience such a blessed time with your mom at her place.

Amen for the answers to prayer and the good report from the colonoscopy!

Stephani Cochran said...

Wonderful list Lisa. My father had colon cancer about ten years ago. He had to have surgery, but there has been no reoccurence to this point. I was told that since it has been in my family, I should start getting screenings every 5 years starting at age 45. Does this sound right? ~ I'm glad you found some gems this week! Grace and peace.

Susanne said...

Lisa, I love hearing how you weren't going to do FFF and then decided to anyway and it turned out to be a blessing. That blesses me! :v)

My Dad had colon cancer too, and he's doing well with no reoccurance! Praise God. I've had 2 screenings so far. And you're right, a bit of uncomfortableness is so much better than harder stuff later because it wasn't caught early.

Karyn said...

So glad you were able to find the joy in your week.

Your comment about the colonoscopy is timely for me...I'm scheduled for one as a matter of course and considered cancelling. I guess I'll get it done after all.

SO GLAD you got a clean report re: cancer! That must be a weight off your mind!

Bless you this week.


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