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Curios - 21

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1. My Church or the Kingdom?

“My passion isn’t to build up my church. My passion is for God’s Kingdom.”

Ever heard someone say that? I have. It sounds large-hearted, but it’s wrong. It can even be destructive.

2. “Sometimes He Kills Us to Save Us”
A great piece of poetry by Karsten Piper. Let the ending take you by surprise.

3. Gathering Joy
A sweet idea that we should each do for our own mama’s.

4. Afraid?
Excerpt from “Not a Faith of Fear” posted by Dan Edelen

If I were a visitor from another planet come to investigate the blue planet Earth, my assessment of American Christians would be that they are the most frightened people on the planet and that large chunks of their day are spent worrying about one threat after another.

. . . So the word I have for the Church today is this: Love, don’t fear.

5. How to really love a hurting friend 
We could each do this, for some friend, on some topic. Someone did it for me; I’ve not forgotten it.

Make a Decision to Love: Educate yourself” from The Pipers:

I could hardly read his words through the thick tears in my eyes. All I could say over and over, through my sobbing was, “He read the book. He read the book!”

What was a single guy with no children doing reading a book about stillbirth? I’ll tell you what he was doing. He was loving me in one of the most profound ways I’ve experienced from a friend since Felicity died.


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