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Woe to the rich

luke 6 richAs I sit here typing on my computer laptop on a comfy bed in an air-conditioned room, I know I am rich compared to the majority of those outside the U.S. My life is relatively easy in the grand scheme of history.

My belly stays full (or past full) as often as I want it to. I have many things to laugh about. My bevy of friends is delightful.   

Then I read this:
24 “But how terrible it will be for you who are rich, because you have had your easy life [already received your comfort/consolation].
25 How terrible it will be for you who are full [well-fed] now, because you will be hungry. How terrible it will be for you who are laughing now, because you will be sad and cry [mourn and weep].
26 How terrible when everyone says only good things [speaks well] about you, because their ancestors said the same things about the false prophets.”
~ Luke 6 [Expanded Bible]

What am I to think? Is Jesus talking about me? Am I getting so many rewards now that I’m depriving myself of heavenly rewards later?

Are these the Reverse Beatitudes?

Sure, I can turn it all around and make it mean other things.

I can say Jesus is talking about those who are rich by unfair gain or who care solely about riches. Or those who are so full from the easy life that they have no hunger for the real life that Jesus offers. Or those who are so concerned with pleasing people that they don’t try to please God.

Maybe so. Then he’s not talking about me, after all, but about all those ugly, hypocritical Pharisees. Not me. I know the blessings I have come from his hand, not my own works.

But I keep those who don’t love you...give to everyone who asks...lend, expecting nothing in merciful...just like God.

That’s definitely meant for me. Are my blessings part of my equipping? To do those things?

He’s provided me with the lifestyle, the food, the social network to give and be merciful. They’re not meant just for MY comfort, but to bless others so that HIS mercy will be seen.

Jesus’ words make me think. They should also make me act. Do they? Will they? Woe to the rich otherwise.

1 comment:

Water for the Panting Deer said...

Sobering post. I once read that if you have $15 in your pocket that you are wealthier than 90% of the world's population. We westerners are the rich for sure. Like you, I would really like to think these verses don't apply to me. Unanswered questions about "hard" Scriptures like the one you quoted drive us to God. Maybe that's just why they're there.


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