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John 2

2 gospel of john

What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen at a wedding?

2b. What in your life is draining you?

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What’s happening in John 2?
vv 1-12. The miracle at the wedding at Cana
vv 13-22. Jesus clears the temple
vv 23-25. Jesus knows what is in man
vv 35-42. Jesus calls his first disciples
vv 43-50. Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael


Lisa notes... said...

a. We went to a wedding in February where the father of the bride was performing the ceremony. He kept getting choked up (and therefore, all of us women in the audience did too).

But the funny part was when he began the "repeat after me" part for the groom: he read off almost the ENTIRE vows at once for the poor groom to repeat. The young man just looked at him with scared eyes, like, "Please, future f-i-l? Can you please break it down a little for me? Help me out here."

The entire audience laughed out loud. So the father then gave the groom small phrases to repeat instead of whole paragraphs.

b. Jeff's travel schedule can often drain me (although not THIS week since I've traveled with him). I miss him when he’s gone and feel bad that he’s missing out on stuff at home. But it’s a good opportunity for me to continue growing in dependence on the Lord and to learn contentment whatever the circumstances.

3When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." 4And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come." 5His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."

Mary told Jesus because she knew he could some do something about the lack. My currently perceived “lack of wine,” Jeff’s travel, can also be transformed if I’ll keep filling the jars anyway, with water, and let Jesus turn the water to wine. He can turn my waiting into a contented sense of well-being if I trust him.

Jeff said...

2A. The pastor crying so much he could hardly complete the ceremony.

2B. My travel filled job.

Lynn Severance said...

2a. I have attending so many weddings and have been "in" many weddings but I truly cannot remember a side splitting funny moment. I"m sure anything that funny would stay with me.

2b. My chronic condition is perpetually draining and rising above it to know it is okay to feel so limited also seems to take energy. God sustains and if He is in all that I can do He is in all that I cannot do and chooses someone else for that job.

I love reading of the miracle at Cana. I had the privilege of one trip to Israel exactly 30 years ago. At that time the tiny town of Cana was very non-touristy. dirt roads and a simple small chapel built over the site where they believe the miracle occurred. We celebrated Eucharist there. I picked a bougainvillea bloom from the cascading abundance flowing into the courtyard. It is still in my Bible with the copied inscription of what is on a plaque as one enters this little church: "Cana proclaims to us that Jesus is the Lord Almighty who turns water into wine, who can still today, by one word, transform anything:sorrow into joy, mountains of difficulty into straight paths. Do we bring our needs to Him? ( on the wall in the church of Cana - 7/6/79 )

Lisa notes... said...

I really like this:
"...if He is in all that I can do He is in all that I cannot do..."

It points out how dependent we are on the Lord for everything--what we can do and what we cannot do--and how he can accomplish his will regardless of what we have to offer.

How incredible that you still have the dried flower in your Bible! What a nice way to remember a sacred moment. One day I'd like to travel to Israel...I've heard there's nothing that can compare to the experience.


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