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John 1

gospel of john


1a. Who is the first person you tell when you have good news? Why?

1b. Which of Jesus’ titles means the most to you and why? (Word, Light, Christ, Lamb of God, Son of God)

* * * * *

What's happening in John 1?

vv 1-18: The Word became flesh
vv 19-28: John the Baptist testifies about Christ
vv 29-34: Jesus is the Lamb of God
vv 35-42: Jesus calls his first disciples
vv 43-50: Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael


Lisa notes... said...

a. My typical order for spreading the news (and the one most likely to keep me out of trouble!):
First Jeff, then my girls. Then my parents/in-laws. Then our siblings and best friends. Jumbled in there are those who have been praying about it or who I know will pray about it.

b. Being a word person, I love that Jesus is the Word. He didn't just use words, he WAS the Word--the very thought, speech, reason, and logic of God.

A close second, though, is Jesus is Light. I can still get scared in the dark if I hear an unexplained noise--nothing like light to calm my fears. That's Jesus.

lynn Severance said...

Blogging with you "about John" because I gotta tell someone!

1a. I used to tell my Mom. Now i am dependent on the phone but rarely find a friend home. Next is an e-gal shout to someone but by the time responses come back the initial excitement has waned. There is nothing like a person literally here to join in the enthusiastic initial "Yipee". That is the best "telling" when it can happen that way. It is so immediate! John 1 is all about words - the Word and word of His presence being spread and His gathering his first apostles. What a gab fest of excitement those initial days must have been.

1b. My favorite Jesus "title" is Friend. It encompasses all the others: Savior, He laid down his life for me, Light, He brings himself and revelation to me. Friend equals relationship, intimacy, steadfastness.

Do read John in Peterson's THE MESSAGE! It is filled with joy.

"He came to his own people, but they did not want him. But whoever did want him,....He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves."

"No one has ever seen God, not so much as a glimpse. This one-of-a kind God-Expression, who exists at the very heart of the Father, has made him plain as day."

Lisa notes... said...

I agree that nothing really replaces “in person.” Technology steals that thunder often (even though you know I love me some technology). There are times I want to wait until face-to-face, but I know by then that they’ll already have heard ‘the news’ from another source before I can get to them so I settle for e-mail or phone, etc. :-( Oh well. Pros and cons.

Do you do FB chat? Maybe we can have some “semi-live” time that way. :-)

Thanks for The Message notation. Just this week I’ve been realizing how much I miss having “The Message” on my computer. A month ago I upgraded the software I use and The Message didn’t get added back in. I’ll have to work on it…

Lynn Severance said...

Goodness gracious there is something called a FB chat? Is it like being in a chat room where one types their talk only they are "in technology person" doing it? Let me know more and we can make plans from there. This could be more exciting than when I discovered "Flair"

I absolutely love THE MESSAGE. I don't have Bible software but do go to the site lots. How lazy can I get but it is easier when I am here at the laptop writing than lugging out the hard copy of that huge Bible. I've only so much room on my lap!


Lisa notes... said...

Lynn, I'll send you a FB message and we'll work it out. :-)

I still use Biblegateway all the time, too. A great site. But the software I keep on my computer doesn't have to have internet access so I like that. It's free with lots of translations and study guides and places to keep my own study notes:

Crossway is having a "Bible Photo Contest" on their Facebook page for well-used Bibles ( But because I use the Bibles on my computer now, my hardcopy Bibles are staying in better shape. ;-)

Anonymous said...

1A. Always my wife, Lisa. She is a great listener and always willing to listen to me no matter.

1B. Light. The effect that light has over darkness is the perfect example of Jesus.



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