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Friday’s Fave Techno Five # 5

Because I’ve not been home this week, I’ve been especially thankful for technology that keeps me connected to home. Here are five below. And check out Susanne’s site to see God at work elsewhere. 

1. GPS
It’s been so handy this week, even though last night we honed in on a Michaels, and GG took us to a Staples instead. Oh well. The cashier there gave us directions to the real-world Michaels, but when we plugged that into the GPS, Jeff overrode GG’s directions with his own manly internal GPS. She wasn’t happy, complaining, “Recalculating, recalculating” until we arrived on the doorstep of Michaels, showing her that my man does knows what he’s doing.
But still. I’m thankful for our GPS.  
cell phone connect 
2. Cell phones and my cheap plan 
My little one is on a mission trip in the Appalachians this week, but I still get a call on my cell phone each morning from her (when she  can get service). She fills me in on her days; I’m thankful I can hear her sweet voice from many miles and many states away. 
And I love that I still have the same great cell plan that I started out with years ago before they had monthly fees. I keep waiting for them to hunt me down and say, oops, they made a mistake, because it’s too good to be true.

3. Twitter twitter-logo
I really didn’t know if I would use it, but I do. It’s the one social media that Jeff is using, too, so it’s another way for us to stay connected in little ways throughout the day. On Monday he got a Blackberry through work, so I suspect I’ll hear from him a little more.
I also like getting tweets from my nieces this week about babysitting and boyfriends and movies. And from my sister about almost anything. And occasionally swapping book titles with “Lisa Writes...” And hearing what Max Lucado is doing in Hawaii. This is important stuff.

4. My old school MP3 player
When my old player broke, I had to buy and consequently return several new models that didn’t satisfy me. I finally gave up and bought an old style one off eBay that was exactly what I wanted. (What did I do before eBay?)
This week I used it to listen to Allen’s Sunday’s sermon from home that I missed, and Revelation classes from 2 months ago, and to Focus on the Family podcasts, and numerous interesting lessons off the internet. Many hours of middle-of-the-night inspiration.
Just don’t quiz me to see what I’ve retained.

5. Facebook, of course
It’s a biggie way to know what everyone is doing and how they feel about it. Is that a plus? Well, most of the time. This week I’ve used it to make plans for who is bringing what to our family dinner on Sunday. And Lynn and I have learned to chat real-time through it. 

* * * * *

I could go on—I’ve had some big laughs over e-mail attachments and from blogs I’ve read in Google Reader. But that would put me over my limit of five things, so I’ll keep them as a smile inside.

In the end, these techno gadgets are still basically about people—getting us where we need to go, showing us ways to communicate messages to each other, connecting us heart to heart. Good stuff. God stuff. Things that He designed us to do.

With or without technology.


Susanne said...

Congratulations to your daughter! That is exciting news!

I'm so techie ignorant that I don't even own an MP3, can you believe it? Never mind GPS. LOL.

Lisa Spence said...

I am married to a techno geek which has been good for me, otherwise I would no doubt be using a corded rotary dial phone! I well remember thinking he was CRAZY for wanting a computer at we have four! Not only that, but I am so grateful for all my technology (as well as my techno geek husband). I love my iPod, my computer, and my cell phone!

nikkipolani said...

Lovely techy fives :-) I smiled at your title. Technology is wonderful when it works, isn't it? And congratulations on your daughter's engagement!

Katrina said...

I have no idea what I would do without technology! Of your list, the only one I don't have is a GPS, but it's on my wish-list. My husband has a built-in GPS in his brain, but if I don't have a map and clear directions, I can get turned around before I can say, "Which way?"

Congrats on your daughter's engagement!

Lisa notes... said...

Thanks for the congrats! I want to stay in this phase for awhile. :-)

I'm actually a reluctant techy. I question whether I *need* each new thing before I buy into it. I remember questioning why I would EVER need a computer, but now--what would I EVER do without one? :-)

GPS: I seriously questioned that need too. But it was a gift, and it's fantastic. Get one!

Lynn Severance said...

How nice to be a part of your Fav Five this week!

Since our chat, I learned how to make the window bigger so I now can type in a space that is not one eighth of a postage stamp size. deni surprised me the other night when that window popped open and because of "you" I knew what was happening!

Heart to heart is the best - yes - and technology has helped all of us find new avenues to experience some of those joys.

Thanks for all you share, Lisa!

ellen b. said...

Oh wow an engagement. How exciting that is! Congratulations to all. You really have embraced the information highway!! I can't text yet :0)

Barbara H. said...

Congratulations to your daughter! My son just got engaged last December and is getting married in August. Fun times!

I don't have a GPS or know how to use it, but I'd like to. My husband depends a lot on his. Such handy things! I'm glad we live in this age.

Islandsparrow said...

Congratulations to your girl! My 4th boy is engaged to be married this Sept. They used Facebook to get that news out - and it travelled fast :)

I don't twitter - but I'm so glad for facebook. I keep in touch with my children that way - much better than phone. Although I was glad for YAK - that's what my daughter and I used while she was n her mission trip. She was in India and we talked at least once a week. it was so good to hear her voice!

Thanks for dropping by my blog - it's nice to meet you!

Happy weekend!

Robin said...

It's so amazing how techno we have all become. I enjoy everything you do - except I haven't tried Twitter yet.
Congratulations on your daughters engagement! Sounds like you will be planning a wedding - how fun!

Young Wife said...

Congratulations to your daughter! Technology has helped my husband and I so much with his chronic illness. It provides ways for us to communicate and fellowship with friends even when my husband is too sick to get out of the house. The miracle of the Internet has provided me with so much support as a care giver.

Lisa notes... said...

I think it's unanimous--we love our technology! It opens up avenues for us that we wouldn't otherwise have.

Including congratulations for my daughter's engagement. My daughter is home this weekend and I showed her these comments from my "friends" that I know only through the internet. What a cool thing!


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