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John 4

2 gospel of john Questions
What causes you to skip a meal?

4b. What are you frequently thirsty for?

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What's happening in John 4?
vv 1-26. Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman
vv 27-38. The disciples rejoin Jesus
vv 39-42. Many Samaritans believe
vv 43-54. Jesus heals an official's son


Lisa notes... said...

4a. If I skip a meal, 99% of the time it's only because I'm intentionally fasting. Otherwise, I NEVER forget to eat a meal. :-)

4b. This doesn't sound very "spiritual" but I find I'm often thirsty for more TIME. Time to do all the gazillion things that I think I need to do and/or want to do.

I have to constantly remind myself that God will always give me the exact amount of time needed to do the things that HE wants me to do.

And I need to let the rest go.

Lynn Severance said...

4a. I have never "not eaten". Living alone my schedule can vary - time can get away from me and I realize that it is way past a normal lunch or dinner time. I count my blessings that food is ever near.

4b. I am thirsty for human relationship that is more than a "how are you?" at a Bible study evening or a phone call once or twice a year from someone who was once in my life every week. I have the living water of relationship with Jesus but thirst for the human counterpart that lights up my life with the spark of joy that puts meaning into each day.

How interesting to "discover" in this day's reading that Jesus never baptized, his disciples did. He gave them the power and directive to do this but He never did this himself. It makes sense to me but I never saw that line before in this way. Living words - always something new to jump off the page!


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