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The Butt of Mockery – 8

Selections from The Cross He Bore, Chapter 8

Matthew 26:67-68
“Then they spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him, saying, ‘Prophesy to us, you Christ! Who is it that struck you?’ “

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‘Jesus,’ says Dr. Geerhardus Vos, ‘accepted the cross out of a motive of love for God even more than, and before, He accepted it because of His love for man.’ (Hebrews 10:7)

‘In dying, as in all else He did, He hallowed God’s name.’ This is a truth too often overlooked, and it in no way detracts from the wonder that Christ loves each one of his people with all of his love.

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As that suffering, humiliated figure stood there, his tormentors despised him in their hearts. They thought that he was utterly helpless in their hands. How wrong they were! Christ was never in retreat, never merely passive.

At this moment he was actively and voluntarily exposing himself to the fury of his enemies (Isaiah 50:6). This was costly obedience on the Savior’s part as he deliberately gave his back to those who struck him, enduring patiently and meekly this gratuitous torture.

* * *
Many hands were raised against him, both human and demonic, but Christ knew that there was one hand above all others that smote him. And as he bore our sins that hand did not spare him. ‘It was the will of the LORD to bruise him; he has put him to grief’ (Isaiah 53:10).

~ Frederick S. Leahy
More thoughts from Chapter 8


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