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The adventure has begun

First AidYou don’t have to go far to have an adventure.

Going to El Salvador this summer will be an adventure, no doubt. But I don’t have to wait until I get there to have one.

The adventure has already begun.

Adventures begin when we conceive them in our minds, when our imaginations say, “Go!”

Then each new step adds a piece of the adventure, moving us somewhere unusual, each smaller move out of our comfort zone preparing us for a larger move.

Last Friday spent in CPR/First Aid/AED training was one such adventure along the way.

Our instructor (and brother in Christ) is a walking adventure. I tell him often I’m glad he’s on our side: ex-Special Forces, bomb defuser extraordinaire, and nothing he hasn’t or won’t do.

He taught us First Aid inside and outside the box.

I hope I never need to cap someone’s tooth with the remains of a bullet or perform CPR for an hour after rescuing someone from the ocean in my helicopter. Or commandeer a team to drag a dying man out of harms’ way. 

But I do pray that God will continue to expand my borders with adventures he thinks I’m ready for, both at home and anywhere else.

And while the adventures may or may not take me to a foreign country, I believe they always start at home. Maybe as a thought in the kitchen. From a whisper (or a shout) from God. To a willing (and sometimes reluctant) heart.

Adventures can’t always be mapped, planned, or anticipated. But with faith in the sovereignty of God, they can be welcomed.

* * *

What adventure are you in the middle of?


Helen said...

I said a prayer for your upcoming trip to El Salvador. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

"Adventures begin when we conceive them in our minds"

hum... so it seems that if we think of something as an adventure, then it is. some of it having to do with how we are able prepare our heart and mind. or maybe how our heart and mind is being prepared...or both "together" with God.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Lisa. And I think it's important that we trust Him to know when it's time to move out and onward in the adventure because I may or may not ever "feel ready." That's a humbling thing to realize He's speaking and prompting and that He believes you can do it (through His grace). Great things to ponder! Thank you, Lisa.

Barbara H. said...

I'm not very adventurous, but I have been blessed when the Lord nudged me out of my comfort zone.

HisFireFly said...

"When He says go"

I too have heard those words.. and my heart races, eager to be obedient.

Please pass on prayer requests as you continue to preapre, as you go, and as you return...

Lisa notes... said...

Some common denominators I'm hearing in our "adventure" thoughts....

Trust. Obedience. Prayer. Blessings.

katdish said...

Have you ever heard the song by Carol King? I think it's called Where you lead. Since I have this habit of thinking of secular songs in terms of my faith, this one reminds me of some of our adventures with God.

"Where you lead I will follow. Anywhere that you want me to. If you need, you need me to be with you I will follow where you lead."

a joyful noise said...

Learning something new, doing something different. traveling to a new place, can all be fun and adventurous all at the same time. May you touch lives for Jesus in your trip to El Salvador. May your group be under the protection of the angels and do enjoy your adventure in Christ!

Glynn said...

One of the best adventures I've had was a whirlwind week (aka short-term missions trip) in Central Europe - Budapest, Prague, Brno, Dresden and Erfurt. Best advice I was given beforehand - be ready for God to change your itinerary. And he did. It turned my life upside down.

Lisa notes... said...

I’m going to try to heed that advice too. I was told we need to be like water: go with the flow. :-)


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