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Do you keep your word?

I_PROMISEHow seriously do you take your commitments?

When you say you’ll do something, what are the odds it will happen?

What about your marriage vows? When you say you’ll love your spouse for better or for worse, do you mean it?

Sometimes it’s easy to do in the big things. We say, if my husband came down with cancer, I’d stick with him through thick and thin. But what if he gets a little cold and is suddenly so annoying that we can’t sleep in the same room with him?

Or we say we’ll love our kids no matter what they do. But when they sass us a few times and throw us that “I know better than you” adolescent attitude, we declare it’s hopeless and start counting the days until they’re out of the house.

I’ve found that I’m tested in my commitments in the little things more than in the big things. Maybe that’s because there are far more little things than big things that come up.

I’m the same way with God. I think, if he’d give me a big assignment, I’d be on it! But when he asks me to dutifully do the same little things over and over, I whine.

It’s often in the day to day, week after week, little decisions that our level of commitment is really tested. It’s here we discover if we’re going to be people of character and stability, or not.

Let’s not fool ourselves:
If we can’t keep our word in the little things, how will we in the big things?

One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much,
and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. 
If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth,
who will entrust to you the true riches?
Luke 16:10-11

* * *

Why is it sometimes hard to keep our word in the little things?  



Dianna said...

Thank you, Lisa, for the food for thought. The day to day little things are...well...they are day to day. And unless we are keeping close communion with Abba, looking to Him for His power, then the day to day wears us down.

Continuing to pray for you, dear Lisa.

Constance said...

This is SO true! WE do envision ourselves as stalwarts, unwavering in a major crisis but give us the mundane and we just don't think we can tolerate one more day! I remember something the Lord taught me years ago:
"Our character isn't made during the trials, that's when it's revealed!" It's the mundane, obligations and continuity in our lives that MAKE our character!

Have an amazing week!

Barbara H. said...

I find it's the little things that are hardest for me, too. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that we know the big things are beyond us and we really need the Lord's grace for those, but somehow we think we can "wing it" with the little things. I don't know. But thanks for this!

April@The 21st Century Housewife said...

There are so many truths in your post - it truly is in the day to day that our commitment is tested. The little things can be really challenging, but I'd rather struggle with them than have to cope with the big things!!

bp said...

Excellent point and very true! I enjoyed reading.

have a blessed week!

Lisa notes... said...

Thank you for being such a faithful pray-er for me. And thanks for the reminder that “close communion with Abba” is the key.

Lisa notes... said...

I love what you shared here: our character is REVEALED in the trials. It’s made in the mundane. Thanks!

Lisa notes... said...

Hmmm…you may be on to something there. I need to give that some thought. When we KNOW we’re absolutely over our heads, we’re more likely to be dependent upon the Lord…

Me, too. Given the choice, I’d rather learn my lessons on the little things rather than blow it on the big things. I wonder if God sees any difference between the “little” things and the “big” things, or if it’s all in our human perspective…

Thanks. I enjoyed reading what you wrote also about the cord of three strands. We talked about that in my Bible class last week.

Susannah said...

You've shared some wonderful truths today. I'm thinking of the drip, drip, drip of a faucet. That's what dealing with the little trials of life can seem like. It takes strong commitment an over-riding concern for others (especially our husband) to push through. A very thought-filled post!

Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Lisa.

Blessings, e-Mom ღ

Denise said...

Such wisdom shared here.

Wife of Rob said...

WOW Lisa!

I needed that thought provoking post. What a great reminder for me. I've been through 2 hip replacements with my husband (he is only 42), so you reminded me of those times that I didn't think I could go another step, but how those trials paid off....and how much I can look back now and say that I truly learned through them!

Big hugs

Julie Arduini said...

Very well said. I think the little issues trip me up more than the big ones. It's true about commitment as well. Thank you!

Lisa notes... said...

You have definitely been through a LOT with your husband already at only 42. What a blessing to hear you say that the trials paid off. We all need to hear encouragement like that! Thanks for sharing.

Tami said...

Amen sister! The little prepares us for the big. Every action, every attitude, every word matters. Thanks for this great reminder.


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