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Friday’s Fave Five

1. Almost a “Great” AuntAlexander's auntsWe showered my first great nephew-to-be Alexander with gifts last Saturday. Then my new niece-in-law Erica gave US a gift—she initiated a photo op with the three great aunts. How special to honor our roles like that!

2.  Singing together to Him ZoeThe singing group Zoe was nearby Saturday night so we gathered with friends for some great praise time. Very special. Some of our girls captured the moment by posing with Brandon Scott Thomas afterwards.

3. Teen sleepovergirls retreatJenna hosted a retreat at our house Monday/Tuesday with our church’s girls. I’ve already heard a couple parental reports of spiritual aftereffects. That makes the sleepless night and messy house more than worth it.  

4. Last chemochemo collegeTwo sweet friends both had their last chemo sessions yesterday (what are the odds of that???). So our Life Talk decorated their doors to congratulate the beautiful way they honored God throughout their treatments. mdb and fuller

5. Meet the new boyfriend 
So far he’s just a picture on a phone. But tonight we’ll meet Morgan’s new beau that we’ve been hearing so much about. We’ll have all weekend to get acquainted. I’m ready.

6. 1st trip to Starbucks
My niece (I love that girl!) and I had so much to talk about after having lunch together last Friday that we went straight from the Mexican restaurant to Starbucks so we could keep talking. It was my first visit! I’m breaking myself in slowly…I had a cup of water.

* * *

What special thing happened to you this week?


Melissa said...

What a lovely and eventful week! Have a blessed weekend!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Aww...showers and new babies. They always bring a smile.

The "Graduation from Chemo College" decorations are such a great idea. Sweet.

The no-sleep sleepover sounds like it was fun and inspiring. I'll be your daughter had a great time.

Happy week ahead!

Susanne said...

A teen sleepover with purpose. What a great idea! I'm sure it was noisy though. LOL.

What a nice picture of you girls with the mom to be.

Anonymous said...

I forgot my google account info... so this is Sandy, not anonymous - ha

Lisa, I LOVE your Friday Fave Five (every Friday) - just wanted you to know that! and I love you!!

Your oldest sister, Sandy

Willow said...

What a rich week! I remember the days of sleepovers (well, friendsovers)and first meetings of the boys (and girls).

I love the signs you put on your friends' doors! Definitely something to celebrate!

Joanne said...

Beautiful family memories, the first meeting of the boyfriend, chemo conclusions, praise and worship, and a first for you..Starbucks! Wow! What a lot to be thankful for. We love our Chapters bookstore and starbucks visits...such a luxury!
Thanks for sharing,

TXDidi said...

What a lovely thing to do for your friends who finished their chemo treatments. That certainly is an occasion to celebrate. And congratulations on being an almost great-aunt. Enjoy your time getting to know the new boyfriend. I hope it is a special time for all.

Karen said...

Sounds like a great week, indeed! I just said goodbye to friends from OH who surprised me by calling Wednesday and asking if they could come visit last night. They arrived in time for dinner and we stayed up LATE catching up and encouraging each other. We even surprised them by calling other OH friends who had moved to Ardmore, TN (we hadn't had a chance to see them since we moved) and getting them down to dinner too. The table was full with 12 of us sitting down to a meal, and it was so much like old times!

Cindy said...

Good idea for a door sign. The Graduation girl friends are lucky to have you.

This is a rather large sleep over but everyone looks like they had a marvelous time.
What a fantastic week and a great weekend ahead meetings of the new boyfriend.

Stephani Cochran said...

Really enjoyed your five Lisa, and I love your new blog design!

Jerralea said...

Busy week! I love the "Graduation from Chemo College" decor. What a blessing to have TWO friends who made it through chemo!

Ah, meeting the boyfriend... I am so awkward at those kind of things. Praying that your meeting will go great!

Amanda Moore said...

Sleepovers are always worth it, soon they grow up and the house gets quiet and you wish for the noise and chaos to come back!
I thought your chemo graduation was such a sweet thing to do for someone, they know they have friends that care.

Mary said...

Oh.My! Your first trip to Starbucks? My favorite is either the Dark Chocolate Mocha or the White Chocolate Mocha with 1 pump of raspberry! With soy, of course, so my stomach doesn't get upset!
Hope the weekend goes well with the new boyfriend! Congrats to your friends on their last chemo treatment, and very cool about the sleepover!

Michelle DeRusha said...

Sounds like a lot to celebrate around your place these days. Very good! Let's we have family movie night, a t-ball game, and a picnic on Sunday. A busy weekend...but all good things.

Ok, and I just have to've never been to Starbucks? You must not be a coffee addict? Boy I love a sweet iced coffee on a hot summer day...but I only stop by when I have a gift card...too cheap otherwise! :)

momma24 said...

What a lovely week. Wonderful things to celebrate!


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