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Moments in the events—Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five at Living to Tell the StoryLook back over your week.
What were some favorite moments?

Here are five sweet moments from five different events in my week. 

1. A new song (singing on Sunday)
We learned When the Night Is Falling at our monthly afternoon singing. I’ve always loved the deep imagery in Zephaniah 3:17 of God singing over me.

When the night is falling and the day is done,
I can hear You calling, “Come.”
I will come while you sing over me.
“How I love you, child, I love you.”

2. Mama Jo’s attentiveness (concert on Monday)chorus_programMy mother-in-law rarely misses any events that Jenna has. Monday night was no exception. She and her friend drove over to listen to Jenna’s spring choral concert, which was lovely, btw.

3. Snack break (shopping on Tuesday)CinnabonBoth Jenna and I hate to shop. But on Tuesday we forced ourselves to do it anyway.

Both Jenna and I love to eat. So a food incentive kept us going. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a treat as delicious as this Cinnabon! I ate the whole thing.

4. Laughing with my sisters (tea on Wednesday)teaMy two lovely sisters and I attended the Mother’s Day Tea at my mom’s assisted living on Wednesday. We enjoyed time with our mom, and talking to family members of the other residents, piecing together more of their stories.

And, of course, laughing with each other.
Being in this together definitely helps.

5. Boxes and words (disaster relief on Thursday)relief effortAt first I said, “No.” Too much activity already (see #1-4 above).

But I’m glad Jenna and I changed our minds and went with three others to Nashville to pack food boxes for flood victims. I’d hated to have missed it.

But I’d also have missed participating in some fantastic conversations up there and back with some very interesting church family.

* * *

What’s a favorite moment you had?

Please share a comment, then visit  Susanne’s blog to read more.


TXDidi said...

We've been hearing about the flooding in Nashville down here on our vacation and it sounds terrible. So glad that you could help out. I'm sure it was much appreciated.

Unknown said...

I'm about an hour out of Nashville, but thankfully wasn't personally affected by the flooding. It's unbelievable to see, isn't it? Bless you for helping out.

Happy Mother's Day.

Barbara H. said...

I have never heard that song, but the words sound lovely.

That's so neat that your MIL can attend your daughter's events!

I've never had Cinnabon, but it looks good.

That Mother-Daughter tea at the assisted living place sounds like such a neat idea. I should suggest that at my MIL's place.

I'm so glad you got to help with the relief for Nashville. Sounds like a great time as well as an opportunity to serve.

Carrie said...

I love your smile!

What a great MIL you have and how wonderful that she would take the time to attend your daughter's events. That's very special. VERY special.

Hope you enjoy your weekend! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Susanne said...

I love how you went to Nashville even though there was so much on your plate and God blessed you because of it. Helping others always touches God's heart.

What a great pic of you, your sisters and Mom. It's nice that you could all be together and celebrate Mother's Day Tea.

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Jerralea said...

I hate to shop, too... guess I better try Cinnabon as motivation!

Sounds like you had a great week with family, both natural and spiritual!

Islandsparrow said...

What a great week - busy but rewarding!! I was attending Spring concerts as well - my little nieces were singing in our local music festival. So cute :)

So nice that you and your sisters could be together with your mom.

You're killing me with that Cinnabon - oh. my. I love them. I'm so glad we DON'T have them here. I would be visiting far too often :)

Happy weekend!

Willow said...

I hate shopping too! So my husband fortifies me with coffee and food along the way. You did have a busy week, but it sounds like it was wonderful.

Happy Mother's Day!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

You have had a BUSY week -- but it sounds like a great one. The picture of you and your sisters and Mom is so sweet. And how nice that Grandmother is close enough to come to concerts. Great that you were a blessing to those in Nashville, and you were blessed by that, too.

Happy weekend!

Karyn said...

GREAT photo of you, your sisters, and your mom. It is obvious that you are a good support to one another.

Glad you were blessed when you went to help out in Nashville.

Michelle said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all.
Thank you for the Mother's Day wishes.



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