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A day in May

The Simple Woman's Daybook Outside my window...a slight drizzle is pock marking the lake

I am thinking...about Wednesday night classes for the summer quarter at church and how to respond to an e-mail

I am thankful…for the weekend at home with my daughters

In the kitchen...strawberries are waiting to be jammed together and frozen

I am favorite grey sweats, white turtleneck, black Cross-eyed t-shirt

I am realizing…that Mother’s Day was harder than I expected this year, and can be quite complicated on many levels (but this helped: read “What Mother’s Day Is About” at Desiring God)

I am missing…my dad—and my mom

I am wondering…if I ever owned The Prayer-Driven Church, and if I did, where did I put it?

I am looking forward to…more breathing space today and tomorrow

I am reading...Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin, and 2 Samuel 8/Hebrews 7 in my daily Bible reading, and too many blogs in Google Reader

I am hoping...that I won’t be melancholy much longer

I am occasional bird and the fan whirring from my laptop

I am praying…for humility, for wisdom, for courage, for strength—to be God-glorifying

Around the house...Jenna and I are e-mailing questions and answers to each other about the week ahead and summer plans

I am noticing that…I’m already off my schedule for the day

One of my favorite things...this chance to be still for a few minutes—in body, in soul

I am pondering these words…“Thank God for the difficulties in your life, since they provide protection from the idolatry of self-reliance.” ~ Sarah Young

A few plans for the rest of the week…visits with mom, a meeting at the bank with my brother, a trip to DMV, college graduations and parties for 2 nieces, Jenna’s spring ballet recital

A picture I’m sharing…a beautifully-grayish kind of daylooking out

* * *

For more May Days, visit
the simple woman's daybook
...where every day is a blank page


Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

Lovely! Suddenly I'm wondering where you live. Do I know? Are you in MO? I want to come look out your window!


Lisa notes... said...

I'm in AL. You're welcome to come visit anytime. You're already acclimated to heat. :-) (Although we're quite chilly today--a cool 54 degrees at the moment.)

Stephani Cochran said...

Enjoyed your daybook Lisa. Do you really live on a lake? I would love that! So peaceful, I would think.

Lisa notes... said...

I do live on a small lake. It is peaceful, except in the spring when the bullfrogs and geese and ducks are all trying to get attention. ;-)

I am excited...that I found the book tonight that I had been looking for! And another book right beside it that I had forgotten I had.

Siné said...

What a beautiful photo! Have a blessed week!

Tammy said...

Lisa, I enjoyed reading your daybook, but felt like I couldn't leave without giving you a hug! {{{Lisa}}} I had to read a bit more on your blog to find perhaps what saddened your heart and just caught a glimpse of your mom dealing with Alzheimer's Disease. Although I haven't dealt with that personally, I went through my mom's brain cancer which affected her memory. It was a sad time to watch her fade before me and gradually stop calling me by name. So, yes, Mother's Day is rather bittersweet as I love being a mom to my children, but miss the mom I knew who is now enjoying eternity.


Elizabeth said...

Hi! It is a gray day here, too. I hope that you can feel more hopeful and joyful as you go about your activities. Don't worry about being off your schedule. Schedules are to be broken, especially when Life interrupts. I have a sneaking suspicion that when we die God won't ask us about our schedules. He will ask about how we l.i.v.e.d. our lives. Plans are good, but people come first.

Have a happy day!

Trish said...

I turned out to be rainy and gray here too.

What a beautiful photo!

Hope you had a great day

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Tell me ;how to become a folloer.

Lisa notes... said...

I sent you an e-mail via Google and I left a message on your blog today about suggestions on how to become a follower. I loved reading your washer/dryer story. :-)


Jenilee said...

sounds like you have a very busy week too! enjoyed visiting from daybook! :)


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