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KJV Vocabulary - How many do you know?

I can appreciate this list of words we know from our KJV and hymn-singing heritage.
[from Abraham Piper’s blog “22 Words”]

Count how many you recognize.

22 English words that still exist almost entirely because of hymns and the King James Bible
(A guest post by Joe Rigney)

1. Verily
2. Buffet
3. Diadem
4. Beseech
5. Balm
6. Ebenezer
7. Hark!
8. Begotten
9. Hither
10. Admonish
11. Gird
12. Want (as in “lack”)
13. Hallowed
14. Firmament
15. Brethren
16. Bulwark
17. Countenance
18. Quickening
19. Adjure
20. Brimstone
21. Surety
22. Goad

What others?


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