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‘Twas the Day After Christmas


‘Twas the day after Christmas when all through our house
All were relaxing, even my spouse.
The gifts were all strewn on the floor everywhere,
With no signs of cleaning, not here or not there.

The children on laptops with games and new tunes
Were sprawled on the couches for all afternoon.
Hubby with TV and I with my book
Were happy and lazy, no cares how it looked.

When out of our blessings arose up a cry,
“You’ve been given so much;  do you not wonder why?
Your presents are many, far more than deserved,
Enjoy them, but use them to love and to serve.

“Stay focused on Jesus to spread His good news;
You’ll stay fully blessed if His will you will choose.
Now glory to God in His heavenly heights,
And peace to you all and to all a good night!”

2011 Burgess                   ~   +   ~   +   ~   +   ~   +   ~   +   ~   +   ~   +   ~

Counting at Christmas even more gifts of grace:

# 470—473
•    first Christmas with a son-in-law
•    girls who give and give and give what I like
•    having all my family at home together
•    a husband who meets and exceeds my needs

# 474—479
•    fun with my family, both in-laws and original
•    nieces with impressive skills and personalities
•    nephew with guitar gifts to anchor our singing, any key 
•    nephew and wife sharing their sweet Alexander
•    two dirty Santa wins (a heater and a twist pillow!)
•    Uncle Bobby and Aunt LoNella among us

# 480—482
•    peaceful Christmas day
•    rip-roaring real fire in the fireplace
•    a clean kitchen again (ahhh)

# 483—486
•    a crack in the universe at just the right time
•    the Baby who birthed a whole new family
•    peace He brings to my world
•    glory of the Father through His Spirit in the Son

* * *

Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?

I got the Lowe’s gift card! Among many other things....


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