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An extraordinary day in May

The Simple Woman's DaybookIs there ever a truly ordinary day for a child of the King?


Our Lord works extraordinarily in each of our days.
Sometimes in ways we see; many times in ways we don’t.

It’s the first Tuesday of the month, the day I make an accounting. Is this day ordinary? Nope. And not just because I have electricity today (intermittently anyway!) after spending the past 6 days without it.

Your day isn’t ordinary either. 

     May we thank Him together for this special day in May.

Outside my’s 80°outside and exactly 80° inside (on Monday)

I am is only 80°

I am hearing...generators running electricity for neighbors, chain saws cutting up trees, and three ballerinas laughing and leaping in the basement

I am reading...A Place for Weakness with this on-line group. And also reading Think, Pujols, etc.

I am thinking...the no-electricity lifestyle did have a few perks

In the limited boxed and canned foods, a cooler with ham that is thawing out anyway, and an accumulation of dirty dishes awaiting a hot bath

I am little as possible—pink shorts, a blue t-shirt, no shoes

I am wondering...who Jeff is helping clean up today

I am looking hearing the stories he’ll share tonight

I am praying...for Harry’s family who used to live here until last Wednesday:Harry_house

I am astonished...(although I shouldn’t be) at the evidence of God’s overflowing grace through friends, neighbors, and strangers, all helping and praying for us in Alabama (thank YOU!)

I am pondering...these words from John Piper in Future Grace:
     The strength of patience hangs on our capacity to believe that God is up to something good for us in all our delays and detours.

I am discovering...that our dusk-to-dawn curfew has restarted our nightly family prayer time

I am appreciating...that cold showers may be painful but at least they’re quick

I am never again run out of AA batteries

A few plans for the week...who knows??? Except, Lord willing, we’ll get to see our first-born graduate from college in one week!

A picture to share...I love the great attitude here:tornado edition

* * *

What extraordinary things are going on in your day today?

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers,
nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us
from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39


Thena said...

I didn't realize you were so close to where the tornado happened. I have a friend that is in Jasper Al.
Prayers for you and the families affected.

Barbara H. said...

Love the humor in that last photograph!

Unknown said...

Gotta keep a sense of humor in all this mess!

Unknown said...

My prayers are with you and your neighbors. Thank you for sharing your day. This too shall pass, and bring glory to the Lord. Blessings to you.

Dianna said...

Love your entries today, Lisa. Glad to hear that you are having some electricity today! Love you.

Love Bears All Things said...

Hello Lisa,
I didn't see where you are in Alabama...I am in Madison County...I'm happy to have the internet again, aren't you....Daughter still doesn't have it and my grandson is very perturbed...the wee ones had a taste of what it is like to not live in a technical world...they didn't much like it...hope it made them appreciate it more.
Have a great day...its cool here..thankfully.
Mama Bear

Lisa notes... said...

Mama Bear,
Just visited your blog and saw your pictures! I will send you a separate e-mail…

Lisa notes... said...

Thanks to EVERYONE for your prayers!

You are so right about having to keep a sense of humor! When our electricity finally came on last night, then went off a couple hours later, we just lit the candles again and laughed about it. God is good!

Katie said...

I did not realize you were in Alabama, but I have been praying for everyone hit by the storms. I have many friends throughout the south, so far all of them are ok, but some of their towns have been hit.


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