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It’s about the snow

photos of Alabama snowWe don’t get it often, and we don’t keep it long.
Snow. And championships.

But this week has been an exception.

It started snowing Sunday night, one day after Jeff took Morgan back to Auburn (she recovered well from strep—thanks for the prayers; still working on the mono—please keep the prayers going).

By Monday morning, we had 8 inches of snow. Incredible. Area schools were canceled Monday.
   And Tuesday.
      And Wednesday.
         And Thursday.
             And now Friday.
So maybe Alabama goes a little overboard.

But our homeschool didn’t close; we just had a liberal leave policy—Jenna could leave to play in the snow as much as she wanted, and we’d do enough school to count as a day. So 5 days of school still go on the books for us. (We don’t want to be doing school in the summer.)

On Monday night, all attention was focused on the Auburn v Oregon national college football championship. What a game! Auburn won by a field goal in the final seconds. Congrats to all the players and coaches. 
     War Eagle!

Five of my favorite pictures of our Alabama snow:

1. Jeff loves the snow as much as the kidsIMG_1591-1

2. Kandie loves that everyone comes outside to play

snowy golden retriever

3. The pressure was off Jenna when the neighbor boys came out to keep Jeff companythank God for neighbors

4. A girl and her dog—they’ve played a lot this weeka girl and her dog

5. Don’t you love how red stands out in white?red on white

* * *

Did you have snow this week too?
Was it unusual or just a normal part of your winter?


Joan Hall said...

Hi Lisa:

The snow is beautiful. We received a light dusting on Sunday, but some is still on the ground as the temps haven't been out of the 30's all week. Today is supposed to reach a balmy 43!

Congrats to the War Eagles!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Lisa, yes, we had snow. However not 8 inches. My kids have been out of school all week. Thank goodness they are going back today. We are in Missouri and you would think we could handle 2 inches...aparently not. My kids would really like to be outside but two have been sick this week (good timing I guess). Being on a farm we get our share of being out in it though.

Melissa said...

What fun photos! Children and dogs in snow are always fun. :)

We had snow--about the same amount--but it only closed schools for the day.

Dianna said...

Oh, yes...we had snow, too, this week, Lisa. And we are still having it. We are to continue having it for the next 4-5 days! :-) But it isn't out of the ordinary for here in WV.

Enjoyed your pictures of everyone having fun in the snow.

Hugs to you, friend,

Rebecca said...

We had snow earlier in the week and there is still a little on the ground, today. So pretty!

Hazel said...

We had an unusually lower temperature this week in our part of the world. Kandie made me smile.

Liz said...

Yep! We've had snow here in Northern Indiana, much more than usual. But snow is normal for us northerners. Last weekend we set a record for most snowfall in a day - 25.5". We've had more on Tuesday and Wednesday. Some today. More coming tomorrow. Yep, lots and lots of snow. Enjoy yours. I'm tired of ours. :)

Carrie said...

Love, love, LOVE the photo of the dog in the snow. That is an awesome shot!

Barbara H. said...

We didn't have as much as you did, but schools were closed three days. I'm waiting to hear if they have to make up any.

Looks like fun! Love especially the shots of the dog and the berries!

Ingrid said...

We had this weather for the last two weeks, no all the snow has melted, but here too the kids couldn't go to school !

Karyn said...

What fun photos! EIGHT inches of snow in Alabama?! and it stayed? That doesn't sound too normal, is it?

But then I see that everyone has winter coats, hats, and maybe it is more normal than I thought.

We had snow this week, too. TOO MUCH snow. And cold....VERY cold.
No playing in the snow around here!

The beauty of homeschooling....we don't have to shut down due to weather. Unless we want to. :)

Lisa notes... said...

No, it’s definitely NOT normal for us. It’s been weird every day not just seeing the snow on Monday, but seeing it EVERY day since then. If snow ever comes here at all, it certainly never lingers, It’s just stayed extra cold all week. But who knows about next week? Could get up to 60 degrees. We’re inconsistent.

Yes, definitely one of the beauties of homeschooling. We can make our own decisions about weather days. :-)

I read yesterday on Noel Piper's twitter that EVERY state except Florida had snow on the ground yesterday! I thought that was pretty amazing.

Willow said...

Since I'm a native Oregonian, I've been a little sad (and embarrased). Snow? What's that? Oh that stuff that show up on the mountains north and east of here when it rains. THAT stuff. I'm not sure it has ever snowed here in my little SoCal near the ocean town.

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

We had snow this week, too -- but not quite as much as you! I enjoyed playing out in the snow with my four-year-old. It was the first time this season we had enough to actually sled in, etc. But it wasn't good packing snow, so no snowman or snowball fights, much to my little guy's chagrin. :)

ellen b said...

Love the photos. And yes we had snow this week, too. Ours arrived in the wee hours of Wednesday and disappeared by Wednesday night...
I watched that game. Hat's off to Auburn. Being a soccer fan I'm glad the soccer player won it for them with that final field goal. :0)
Have a great weekend.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Yeah, we're that holdout -- the one state with no snow. I kind of miss it and I dearly miss the snow days. Loved the pictures, though.

Stay warm!

Jocelyn said...

Love love love the snow! =) We had a good amount here in Jersey. The part of the state I live in usually don't get as much as other parts of the state. So it's definitely exciting when it snows =). My brothers had Wednesday off from school and they were definitely excited about that!

Loved the pictures! =)

Jerralea said...

Love all the snow photos - especially the red berries next to the snow. Gorgeous!

Cindy said...

Wonderful post, put a smile on my face seeing the dog in the snowbank. Everyone looks to love snow, we all got our share this week.

Lisa Spence said...

Yes, we had snow but I'm guessing you knew that! :) Love your pictures!


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