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How one thing leads to another

Lots of times, things in my week happen not really of my own planning. And that’s often a good thing.

Here are five ways this week that God let one thing lead to another:

1. Joining families with a best friend
Because my beautiful niece Amanda is about to marry her handsome stepson Andrew, I’m about to be related for life to one of my best spiritual friends, Selwyn. me_and_Sel

She’s the kind that prays for me consistently, keeps me accountable gently, points me to Jesus always. I thank God for her friendship and for now binding us together in this way. Isn’t that cool of God???

2. Introducing my physical family to my church familyAmanda_AndrewBecause Andrew grew up at the church I go to, we had a bridal shower for him and Amanda on Sunday, so I got to introduce Amanda and my sweet sister-in-law Bonnie to several of my church friends.

3. My sister gets me outSan_and_meBecause my sister Sandy is more outgoing than I am (even though she claims to be a homebody), she’s making sure we go back to visit the precious memory-impaired residents and the staff we love at the assisted living facility where my mom lived.

4. Fall jewelryparty_favorsBecause Sandy volunteered us to help at their fall party yesterday, I got this cool spider ring and party favors, not to mention getting to dance around for 30 minutes as we played reverse Cupcake Walk. Thanks, sister! We rocked the place with our moves. {smile}

5. Hanging out with cool friendsmy_AU_buddyBecause we were helping at the party, I got to sit and talk with some of the sweetest and fun people I know. It doesn’t matter that they have Alzheimer’s. I intentionally wore my Auburn shirt for Mrs. D. She said she’s not going to the game this weekend either; we don’t want to mess with Auburn’s winning streak by showing up.

Because God loves me, he’s taking great care of me.
And there’s nothing I have to plan about that.
He makes it happen!

* * *

What “one thing leads to another” this week has made you smile?


sandy47 said...

So glad you blogged about this most wonderful time we spent with them yesterday!! Truly they are a blessing! Thank you (and for being the driver all the time too) :-)

Lisa notes... said...

You make the appointments for us; I'll do the driving. :-) I'm really glad we were able to go. Looking forward to the next party.

Hazel said...

Bridal showers, how fun! I haven't been to one in ages. That's sweet of your sister to take you with her to visit the living facility where your mom lived. The fall jewelry looks cute.

Barbara H. said...

What a great week! That's so sweet that you go visit the folks at the facility where your mom lived. And that your church held a shower for your niece.

Unknown said...

What in the world is reverse cupcake? Sounds fun! I am happy you are getting to spend time with special people! Thanks for being inspiring!

Jerralea said...

Isn't it great when friends become family? It looks like you had a wonderful week, jewelry and all!

Carrie said...

What a fun list! =) I particularly love your note re: your spiritual friend who prays for you faithfully. Can't beat having a friend like that!

Hope you have a great weekend!

TXDidi said...

Very cool that you are going to be related through marriage to your friend. Have to admit that my best friends and I always wished our kids would end up marrying each other so we'd be related too but it never happened. Now I can't imagine my children with any other spouses but the ones they ended up with.

Melissa said...

How neat that your friend is about to become family!

Have a wonderful week!

Faith said...

How awesome that your good friend is now becoming a part of the family...that is special!!
I am betting it was a huge blessing to do that party, too, at the assisted living facility....
enjoy your weekend!!

ellen b said...

What a wonderful group of fave fives Lisa! Awesome. So much to be thankful for. Love all those special activities!! God is good.

Karyn said...

I think it's great that you are continuing with the relationships at the place your mom lived. You are specially equipped now to relate to the patients and their families.

Sounds like you had a great week!

How awesome is it when your good friend becomes part of your extended family?! That happened to me, too....only her daughter married my son, so the connection was/is even closer.

Have a great week!

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

So great that you and you sister can return to the assisted living center where your mom lived. I am sure you a such a special blessing to the residents! :)

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

How sweet of you and your sister to visit the residents and nurses. Really great.

We did the same thing for my son when he was married, and it was so much fun.

I got a sweet note from someone about my book -- one of those "one thing leads to another" moments. Have a great week ahead.

Cindy said...

Sometimes I wished I'd have a sister.
Two brothers were hard and I was in between, poor me.

Visiting with the center will help heal and besides the inner laughter is so good for the soul. I will never forget one conversation I had with a live in with "A" makes me smile.

Nice Fall jewellery.

Trisha said...

Beautiful list of blessings, Lisa! You and your sister have the same lovely smile. :) So wonderful you're able to do things together. Appreciate all those moments!

Have a joy-filled weekend.

Susanne said...

Exciting times happening in your family. First part of the family of God and now part of your earthly family. She sounds like the kind of friend to have cheering you on in life.

Your sis sounds like one cool lady!


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