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5 favorite songs about Jesus

Last Wednesday night my church sang a beautiful medley of 5 songs about Jesus, arranged by my friend and fellow-worshiper Stuart.

I want to remember Jesus throughout my week through these songs and the rich verbiage they convey. So I gathered a token for each one.

Here are the songs, a portion of lyrics, and my prompts:

1. Magnificent

When the ev’ning fades
You call forth songs of joy
And as the morning wakes
We Your children give You praise

You are magnificent, eternally
Wonderful, glorious,
No one ever will compare to You, Jesus


2. Holy and Anointed One

Your Name is like honey on my lips
Your Spirit like water to my soul
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet
Jesus, I love You, I love You

your_name_is_like_honey3. Jesus Messiah

All our hope is in You
All our hope is in You
All the glory to You, God
The Light of the world

Jesus Messiah
Name above all names
Blessed Redeemer


4. Beautiful Jesus

My lips will sing
My heart will bring
Praise to You, the Holy King

Beautiful Jesus
Beautiful Savior
Nothing is greater
Brilliant Creator
Friend of mine


5. No Sweeter Name

You are the life to my heart and my soul
You are the light to the darkness around me
You are the hope to the hopeless and broken
You are the only truth and the way

      As I see each token, give my heart memory to recall the magnificence of the Holy and Anointed One, Jesus Messiah. There is no sweeter name than the beautiful name of Jesus!

Jesus_medley * * *

What helps you think about Jesus throughout your day?


Melissa said...

Beautiful post. I love that you've connected each song with a token. I don't have anything like that, except a "Praise the Lord" suncatcher in my kitchen window and my cross necklace.

Melli said...

I love EVERY one of those songs - Jesus Messiah is my favorite - and I LOVE this post! Amen and AMEN!

Anonymous said...

These are BEAUTIFUL, Lisa! I love the imagery you found to accompany these beautiful words.

Barbara H. said...

Amen. I am not familiar with any of those particular songs, but often a song from church or CD will stay with me and minister to me for days. And for a while when I was having anxiety issues, s hymns or praise song would not only get my mind off the anxieties but refocus it on God's presence and ability.

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Great post Lisa, even though I was just reading the Lyrics....I found myself singing along as I read each familiar chorus!

Gattina said...

To be honest, nothing. I am too busy with other things to think about religions.

Cindy said...

Thank you Lisa I was reading along then saw your pic that you picked to go with the song. Great choices

Susannah said...

Awesome! There's nothing more uplifting than music about our Savior. Happy FFF, Lisa!

P.S. Hey, come visit me at Susannah's {Kitchen} some time.

Hugs, e-Mom ღ

TXDidi said...

Very nice. Wish I knew some of these choruses but since my Sunday School meets during our Contemporary service, we never sing any of them. The words are great just on their own, though.

Marg said...

What a wonderful way to honor our King..I was only hoping that you would post a you-tube of all the music...I love music, especially worship music which brings emotion to the heart.

Unknown said...

The words to each song just draw you in to Jesus' love for us and the hope we have in Him. How magnificent and loving.

Nature helps me think of Jesus throughout my day. It'll be a bird landing on the railing of the deck outside my work area, in a tree. The sun might get brighter. Little things like that and more.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

This was lovely. I love No Sweeter Name! I just loved the way each was a piece of the larger picture, Lisa. Very nice.

Have a great week ahead.

Willow said...

CDs in the car! I can sing along and people just think I'm on bluetooth. :)

Thanks for the sing along. Now I'll be humming all day.

Jerralea said...

Holy and Anointed One, Jesus!

Such fabulous marvelous post, Lisa! Love the tokens you picked out for each song. You did good!

Karyn said...

I loved this post. Those are my favorite kinds of worship songs.

Susanne said...

I gave a big sigh at the end of your post. There is something about speaking the name of Jesus and declaring His greatness that just releases all the pent up stresses and tendsions of the week. Praise is so powerful.


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