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Super special blessings—Friday’s Fave Five

Friday's Fave Five at Living to Tell the Story Forgive my one-track mind here.
I’ve been intensely living a week of last days with my father.

For more favorites from others, visit Susanne’s blog.

1. Sacrificial in-laws
3 brothers-in-law + 1 sister-in-law = some incredibly giving people. They love my daddy like he’s their own. They’re giving up time from jobs, sleep at night, and missing their spouses to help us with this transition. Priceless.

2. Serving Siblings
I can’t say enough about how much I love my two sisters and brother. They leave me speechless.

3. A mother that loves my father
Even through Alzheimer’s, her love for him is so strong it amazes me. Ironically, she’s afraid that he’s forgotten who she is. But he hasn’t. Please say a special prayer for her…

4. A God that never forgets
Not a day, not an hour, goes by that He’s not sending us some new mercy. Right now I’m listening to my baby sister read Psalms to Daddy in bed. Fresh words from ancient times—that’s God’s grace.

5. _____
I don’t know what today will bring, so I leave this one open. (P.S. I found it!!! 9:45 p.m.)
Surprise me, Lord!

* * *

I so appreciate those of you praying for our family as we journey with our dad over this last physical barrier before he reaches the other side. His spiritual death was years ago when he accepted Jesus—praise God!, but this physical yet necessary death is painful to watch. 


Unknown said...

Hugs heart aches for you and your family! Hard stuff!

Barbara H. said...

What a hard season of life -- yet God is faithful to be near and to shine new blessings even in such times. Praying for God's grace for you all during this time, especially your mom.

Dorothy said...

Lisa, I'm keeping all of you in prayer...

Anonymous said...

Oh Lisa you live out this tough season of life with such incredible faith and eternal perspective. Praise God for his continued work in your heart during this tough time.
Praying for you and your family!

Susanne said...

Praying for your Mom and all your family, Lisa. May you feel the arms of Jesus around you all!

Sis said...

I love your sweet faith in the middle of trouble. We serve a mighty God, and a loving one too.

elizabeth said...

Something painful and precious all wrapped up together seeing one who loves and knows Jesus go home. Praying for very real evidence of God's presence to your dad, you and your loved ones.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, Lisa, I am praying for these last days, that the Lord will just hold you in His arms.

Sounds like you've really experienced the blessing of family this week -- and you blessed us with it.

msdewberry said...

Family mean everything and are so comforting to have in times of trouble. I am glad your family is there for you. My thoughts are with you...

Brenda said...

Nothing to say but I love you! :-)


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