He’s got it all covered. Before. Now. Later.
Past. Present. Future.
The theme is everywhere in the scriptures—remember the past works of the LORD so you’ll obey in the present and have hope for the future.
We’re to teach the same to the next generation “so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments” (Psalm 78:7).
Do I recall his works and recount them as treasured memories? Without even having to think twice, can I list at least 3 good things God has done lately? Am I reinforcing them over and over so I'll never forget?
Let's see:
Last week God gave me valuable time in Colorado to hang out with the man of my dreams (I love you, Jeff). Last night he blessed me with a full night’s sleep (and I don’t take that gift lightly!). This morning he showed me a touchy sin spot that I still need to work on (he disciplines me because he loves me—a beautiful thing). All wondrous works of his hand. Let me not forget.
For me to fully rest in this moment, I need to be able to look back at the past to see that he was faithful then. He was. And I need to set aside worries about the future by believing he’ll be faithful there, too. He will be.

But God dwells with me in the present, in the now. Just as he gave the bread of the angels to the children of Israel in the wilderness, so he supplies me with everything I need for this day. "You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing" (Psalm 145:16). And in the next day, he’ll satisfy that day’s needs.
In the now, I eat today's manna. The exact amount. I can’t pick through yesterday’s leftovers; they’re used up. I can’t hoard for tomorrow; I’ll end up with a basket of maggots. And if I slough off today’s provision, I’ll be starving by nightfall.
Each day is sufficient. God provides. Just like he did yesterday. Just like he will tomorrow. Do I believe it?
God is my plenty.