In his prime, Tim Hansel was a buff ice climber, skilled and courageous. But with one slip of his foot on snow and ice in the Sierras, he spilled over the edge into a fall that changed his life forever.

He describes his life from that time forward in all its pains and joys in You Gotta Keep Dancin’: In the Midst of Life’s Hurts,You Can Choose Joy!, first published in 1985. He continued to write more books and ministered in various ways to innumerable people.
Tim challenges me to rethink my own attitudes about problems and pain. I'll let his words speak for themselves...
It has been said that there is no such thing as a problem that doesn’t have a gift in it. I’m going to have to begin to find some of those gifts and open them.Where is Tim now? I googled him, but the last entry I could find was 2 years old, and indicated that Tim was in dangerously fragile health from years of living in a pain-racked body.
The disillusionment with our own abilities is, perhaps, one of the most important things that can ever happen to us. But the process can be terrifying.
But through this profound and simple passage from Nehemiah, God reminded me again and again that I cannot choose to be strong, but I can choose to be joyful. And when I am willing to do that, strength will follow.
Limitations are not necessarily negative. In fact, I’m beginning to believe that they can give life definition, clarity, and freedom. We are called to a freedom of and in limitations—not from. ...Unrestricted water is a swamp—because it lacks restriction, it also lacks depth.
I have prayed hundreds, if not thousands, of times for the Lord to heal me—and he finally healed me of the need to be healed. I had discovered a peace inside the pain. I finally came to the realization that if the Lord could use this body better the way it is, then that’s the way it should be.
Tim, wherever you are now, I pray that you are flourishing in your healing.
Sandy, thanks for loaning me the book.
Lord, let me seek and find my highest and deepest joy in you, and be strong for your glory because of it.
...And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
~ Nehemiah 8:10